Chapter Twelve: What It Is To Be Friends

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A/N I'm so sorry I forgot to update! Here are two chapters to make it up to you!
The first moments when I woke up were so peaceful but as I realized that I wasn't in my own bed, the events of last night came crashing back to me.

Fighting with Annie,

Being attacked by Sirius Black,

Telling Remus about Trish,

Falling asleep in his arms.

"Good morning," the deep, smooth voice of Remus Lupin rang out across the room.

He was sitting up on the couch, the blankets were folded, and he was dressed and ready for the day.

"Were you up very early or am I up very late?"

He chuckled, "I was up early. I was nervous that Dumbledore might come calling again."

"I didn't even think about that, I suppose having a student asleep in your bed might look a little strange."

"You're also in my clothes."

I sucked in through my teeth, "Ya, about that. These are pretty comfy so I think I might just have to keep them."

"That's gonna be a problem, those are my favorite pair of sweatpants."

"Fine, you can keep the sweats but I'm taking the shirt!" I laughed.

"I never pegged you as a thief Vivian."

"I'm just full of surprises!" I tossed my hair back, still laughing.

Remus sat smiling at me and suddenly I was feeling very self-conscious

Blushing, I looked down at the floor and sighed.

I heard him walk over towards me, feeling the mattress move slightly as he sat down. "What's wrong? Is it something about last night?"

"I really appreciate you being there for me, I don't think I would have been able to calm down last night if it wasn't for you."

"I was happy to help, why is that troubling you?"

"Because I am still so mad at you!" I snapped. "I am so angry with you for lying to me, for seeing me while you are with someone else."

"I'm sorry about that, but last night shouldn't upset you, we didn't do anything."

"I'm not upset with you for last night, I'm upset with myself. I'm upset that it felt so good to open up to you. I'm furious at myself for how calm I became when I was in your arms."

"You were upset, it's natural to seek and enjoy the comfort of another human being."

"It wasn't just that. You are the first person I've felt comfortable talking about Trish with."

Remus looked down and wrung his hands together, clearing his throat before he spoke,"If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I would be more than willing to be available to you to talk about Trish, or anything else, whenever you would like to. Our relationship can't be romantic for reasons that you are aware of, but I would like it very much if we could be friends."

I considered what he said for a moment before I answered, "I'd like that too."

"Good," he declared, "Well we should probably head down to breakfast then."

I looked across the room to where my costume from last night was laying in a pile. "I have to go get something else to wear before I let other people see me."

Fire Whiskey in the Moonlight (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now