Chapter Seven: Detention

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I said goodbye to my friends as I slowly walked up the steps towards Remus's classroom and office. Every step I took filled me with dread, I wanted to run, I wanted to head back to the common room and play exploding snaps with my friends, but I knew that would only result in more detentions, probably with him if my luck kept up. So I kept walking.

When I reached his classroom the door was open and Remus was sitting at his desk grading papers. I knocked lightly on the open door causing him to look up.

"I'm here for detention."

"Yes, of course. Come in."

"Do you want the door open or shut?"

"Uh, shut's fine."

I was slightly shocked at his answer but nonetheless closed the door and went to sit down at one of the front desks.

"I don't really have anything for you to do, Minerva sprung this on me at the last second. So, uh, if you have homework or something you can work on that." His eyes looking everywhere except at me as he spoke.

"Cool," I said flatly, opening my bag and taking out my half-completed potions essay.

We worked in heavy silence for what felt like an eternity before Remus sighed and put his quill down. "Vivian, I-"

"Save it," I said, cutting him off, not bothering to look up from my essay.

Remus sighed again, "I just want to apologize for this afternoon, I hadn't meant to put on that record, it was completely unintentional."

I bite my bottom lip, trying to control the anger I was feeling. "Why do you even have that album?"

Remus cocked his head slightly to the side, "What do you mean?"

"I mean why do you have that album, a few weeks ago you didn't even know who the Stone Roses were."

"I saw the album for sale in London on my way to King's Cross, so I bought it."

"Why?" I asked, generally confused.

"What do you mean why, Vivian? Obviously, because you recommended them." Remus sighed.

"What would you care about the recommendation of some dumb girl you met in a pub." I spat.

Remus stood up from his desk, "I never called you dumb, Viv."

"Alright, maybe not dumb but you said plenty worse."

"And I'm sorry for that."

My head snapped up, "Excuse me?"

He stood up, walking around to sit on the front of his desk. "I'm sorry if I hurt you with what I said. I know you got the letter so you know that what I said on the first day of classes was far from the truth."

"What?" I was still in shock at his sudden apology. And what letter?

"I appreciate you keeping your distance nonetheless."

"What letter? What are you talking about?"

"My owl didn't bring it back which means it was delivered. Please don't try to play games, Vivian, it's unbecoming."

"Remus I honestly have no-"

"While we are on the subject of things that are unbecoming, why don't we talk about Tyler James?" He said, cutting me off.

My eyes narrowed in confusion. "What about Tyler?"

"The fact that you think he is in any way worthy of your time just baffles me. I truly don't understand what you see in him."

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