Chapter Thirty: Magic Isn't Cheating

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I had enjoyed the skiing trip with my parents over Easter holidays but had missed Remus like crazy. But once I was back at the castle everything was finally right in the world. The next few weeks after the Easter Holidays flew by; Annie and I were friends again and I was able to fill her in on everything that had happened with Remus, well almost everything. Tyler and I were talking but he wasn't following me around anymore, and my wizard and I were closer than ever, even the flowers around the grounds were beginning to bloom!

I layed back against the cold wood after I had finished eating. It was a particularly warm Spring day and Annie, Katie, and I had decided to smuggle some food out of the great hall for a picnic in the boathouse. Katie had been dying to gossip about my love life with someone other than me, so when she found out that Annie knew about my "Slytherin boyfriend" as well, she was thrilled. I had clued Annie in on the story I had told my fellow Gryffindors and she of course went along with it.

"So when did you know about Gabriel?" Katie asked Annie pointedly.

"I had heard a bit about him before my fight with Smudge."

"Was that part of the reason you two fought? Because Viv was going after a Slytherin?"

I chuckled lightly, Katie was still trying to cope with the idea of me dating someone from our rival house.

Annie laughed too but just replied "More so because she was using Tyler to make him jealous." She shot me a smile, giving me a gentle reminder that everything was okay now and there wasn't any ill-will left between us.

Katie glared at me playfully, "See if I had known that was the reason you asked out Tyler I could have been much more helpful! Why were you trying to make him jealous anyway?"

"I thought there was another witch he was seeing."

Katie gasped, "Who did you think he was seeing? Another Slytherin?"

"Uh, yeah." I replied without too much thought.

Katie stared at me for a moment, expectantly. "Well who? Which Slytherin?"

My eyes widened, and for some reason I couldn't think of a single girl in Slytherin at that moment. "You are too much of a gossip for your own good Katie Cain."

She stuck her tongue out at me but didn't push the topic, instead turning back to Annie "You need to start dating someone soon so that we can go on triple dates together once Viv and Gaberial go public."

I couldn't help but wonder if Katie would still want to go on double and triple dates once she realized who I was really dating. Would it be too weird for my friends to hang out with their old professor once we graduated?

I vaguely heard Annie say something about not having a crush on anyone and Katie asking about Cedric.

"Cedric Diggory!?!" Annie shouted, with disdain.

This snapped me out of my thoughts and I started laughing.

"Please, Cedric is far too tame for Annie. Besides she hasn't fancied anyone since Tonks graduated a few years ago."

"Are you really still holding a flame for Tonks?" Katie asked in disbelief, "You kissed her once, two years ago. Time to get over it."

The Hufflepuff just shrugged, "It was a really good kiss."

"Is Gabriel a good kisser?"

"Apparently he's a kissing GOD." Annie laughed.

"I never said that!"

"You definitely have implied it Smudge."

Now Katie was laughing too, "Have you guys done it yet?"

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