Chapter Fifteen: Very Different Goodbyes

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"Are you going to Hogsmeade next weekend with the school?" I called to Remus from his desk. He had gone into his rooms to grab something, so I took the chance to steal his chair.

"Most likely, how about you?" He called back.

"Of course! It's the last trip before winter break, I have Christmas shopping to do!"

He laughed as he walked back into the room but his face fell when he saw me, "Get out of my chair."

"Your chair? Oh no, this is my chair now, you'll have to do your work over there." I pointed to a small end table next to one of his lounge chairs.

He scowled but walked over to a lounge chair regardless, but instead of taking his work out he kicked his feet up onto his desk, reclining backward. "So speaking of Christmas, what is something that you might want as a gift?"

"I don't really have a list, you'll just have to pick something out that reminds you of me!"

"Easier said than done."

"I already know what I'm getting you."

"And what might that be?"

"A framed list of all of our friendship rules."

Remus let out a deep laugh, "What are we up to know? Fourteen?"

"Yup! Which is why you need an official list, so you don't forget any."

He laughed again before looking at the clock and sighing, "You'd better getting go, our free period is almost over. I have to get ready for my next class."

"Who do you have?"

"Fifth-year Hufflepuffs and Slytherins, they'll be working on Stupify today, so I need to get the dummies set up."

"Make sure you stay out of their way, wouldn't want some Hufflepuff to start crying because they accidentally cursed their professor," I said grabbing my bag.

"Have fun in Ancient Runes," He called before I slipped out into the hallway. The Ancient Runes classroom was right down the hall, so I got there fairly quickly and waited outside of the door until the previous class left. I grabbed a seat at the back of the class, where I had been sitting since the fight with Annie, as I obviously couldn't sit next to her anymore.

I watched as students flowed in, but by the time class started I had already decided I wouldn't be paying attention, instead making a list of who I needed to buy a Christmas present for and what I might get them.

Mum: Tea from Madam Puddifoot and a handbag from Gladrags

Dad: Scarf from Gladrags and Bertie Bot's from Honeydukes

Eric: Biting Teacup and Stink Bomb from Zonko's

Katie: New Quill from Scrivenshaft's

I debated whether or not I should get something for Tyler, he had apoligized for kissing me again but we still weren't really talking. I ultimately decided it would be easier to get him something small since the four of us would probably be exchanging gifts together before break.

Tyler: Chocolate Frogs from Honeydukes


I fiddled with my quill as I tried to think of the perfect present for Remus. I wanted to get him something he would use, but I didn't want it to be anything too boring. It couldn't be too elaborate either as my funds from working over the summer were close to being gone. I was racking my head when I heard Annie's voice. She was answering some question the professor had asked.

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