Confession and rejection

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Amity POV
"Today is the day" I said to my reflection in the mirror "today is the day I tell Luz how I feel". I had the entire day planned in my head. I had asked Luz to hangout with me after school today, just as planned, and to meet me on the icy mountain that we had both trained on all those weeks ago.
"You better not chicken out again" I heard the familiar joking voice of my brother. I turned to face him,
"Not this time" I exclaimed "this time is for real"
"You said that last time" Em adds poking her head through the door
"And the time before that and the time before that" Ed contributes
My face goes red "shut it" I say as I push them out the way.
They laugh "seriously though Em says "good luck mittens" and with that I grab my stuff and leave for school.

Time skip

When I get to hexide I see Luz by the front entrance. As always she's wearing her classic multi coloured uniform, as I approach her eyes light up and she waves enthusiastically. I do my best to conceal the blush emerging on my face "why is she so adorable" I think to myself.
"Hey Amity!" She says "how's it hanging?"
"I'm doing good" I say "you still up for tonight?" I ask nervously, as I begin to overthink "what if she changed her mind? What if she caught on and doesn't want to do it anymore? Maybe this was a bad idea" My mind is silenced by Luz speaking again
"Yeah of course I can't wait" she grins happily
"Good" I say quickly "I'll see you in class then" I rush away as to not embarrass myself.

Time skip

School was uneventful as expected but now I was making my way up the mountain to where me and Luz would meet. The reason I chose this location is unknown to Luz but it's because this is where I first realised I had feelings for her. Those beautiful brown eyes, her short dark hair, her boundless optimism and of course her unrivalled kindness, everything about her made me love her more and more after each day. I'd made many attempts to confess to Luz but all of them ending with me chickening out.
But not this time, with the support of my siblings, as well ask Willow and Gus I was ready to finally tell Luz the truth.

As I reached the top of the mountain I saw that she was already there. My heart began to race as I saw her standing there in her in her dark grey fur coat, her fingerless gloves and her adorable animal hat. She turned to me and smiled as a blush spread across my face. I walked towards her
"Hey Luz"
"Hey amity, look your just in time to watch the sunset with me" she says with joy in her voice.
We watch as the glowing orb falls below the horizon and the sky turns dark and spots of light emerge all across it.
"It's beautiful" Luz says in awe
"Yeah... beautiful" I say looking straight at her "do you remember the last time we were here?" I ask her
She turns to me "yeah when we were training so I could get into the same class as you" she smiles "thats when the two of us really became friends"
"There it was" I thought "that word, friends" I felt a small pain in my chest. It's not a bad word in its own but the idea of me and Luz only ever being friends is what caused me so much pain. "So much has happened since then" I say "you've become one of the most important people in my life"
"That's really sweet of you" she says with happiness in her eyes "you mean so much to me as well"
The two of us stood there staring into each other's eyes "this is my chance" I thought as I leaned in, sealing the gap between us with a long dreamt about kiss

I pulled away after a few seconds and opened my eyes to see Luz with surprise spread across her face. She began to speak
"Wow um Amity, I uh" she stuttered "I'm flattered and all... but" my heart sank into my stomach, no confession response is good if it has the word "but" included. Despite my growing emptiness I continued to listen,
"You're an amazing friend but a friend all the same" she says "I just don't think we feel the same way about each other".
I fought back the tears threatening the edges of my eyes "yeah no problem, I understand" I say trying desperately to not let my heartbreak be obvious "it's getting late I should head home" I turn and begin walking back down the mountain
"I hope we can still be friends" Luz calls out to me
"Yeah sure" I say still facing away from her to hide the tears now streaming down my face

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now