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I watched as Amity hurried away down the mountain as I stood there I'm shocked silence. Amity had just kissed me! I had my suspicions that she could have feelings for me but I pushed them away, whether out of fear or shear denial I wasn't certain. To be completely honest I didn't really know how I felt about Amity. I obviously cared about her but to what extent? We were friends but I did always find her cute but to the extent that I wanted a relationship with her?
I sat down on the cold snow and put my hands to my head
"What did I just do" I mutter to myself. In truth I knew exactly what I had done, I just broke Amity's heart. I yell in frustration. I was annoyed, not at Amity, not even really at myself just at the situation.
"Why does everything have to get so complicated"
"Well kid that's just an annoyance of life, whether your in the boiling isles or human world" I turn to see the familiar voice of my mentor and mother figure Eda
"What're you doing here?" I ask her, curious as to why she followed me here
"This place can be dangerous kid" she explains "thought I better come along just to make sure neither of you two got hurt"
"Well seems one of us got hurt anyway" I mutter under my breath and Eda looks at me with concern evident on her face
"Let's get you home kid"

Time skip

The next day at hexide was awkward, I wanted to talk to Amity but I knew that it was better I probably gave her time to process last nights events. At lunch Willow pointed out to me that something seemed to be bothering me so I told them what happened
"So she actually did it?" Gus stated amazed "she finally confessed how she felt"
"Gus stop it" willow scolded "you're gonna make it worse." Gus' face lost the look of surprise, to be replaced with one of sadness
"So what are you gonna do?" Willow asked turning her attention to me
"Honestly I don't know" It was the truth, I had no idea what I should do next, I wanted to make it clear to Amity that she was still my friend but how could I do that without just rubbing the rejection in. Then there was the problem of my feelings towards Amity
"I just wish I had more time to figure out how I felt about her" I say frustration clear in my voice "like she's cute and the kiss was pleasant but I'm not sure if I want a relationship with her"
Well if you don't knack why not just date her and see how it feels?" Gus suggests
I shake my head "and what if it turns out I don't feel the same way about her, what do I say then? Oh sorry Amity I don't actually like you I just needed to figure it out so now I'm breaking up with you, that would just hurt her more" I explain
"Then why not explain to her that you need time to figure out if she feels the same?" Willow adds
I shake my head again "I don't wanna get her hopes up just to break her heart all over again, she doesn't deserve that" I lean back in my chair and let out a sigh "I just hope she doesn't take it too hard"

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now