The times we look back on

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Amity POV
I was standing in a dark void. Nothing around. I looked at my hands but I couldn't see them through the darkness. It was suffocating, it was surround me, encasing me in nothingness. Suddenly a burning red light was piercing the dark. I stumbled towards it. After about 30 seconds I reached the light. It was a book with a demonic symbol burning a deep menacing red. It felt malicious but also like it was calling to me. I reached my hand out to touch it.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I felt myself breathing rapidly and had to wait a moment before getting up as I had forgotten I was sleeping at the owl house. I propped myself up on Luz's bed that she insisted I sleep on. She had refused to listen to me when I said I would sleep on the couch and had eventually just jumped on the couch and refused to move. I had considered summoning an abomination to move her but instead I just conceded and slept in her room. I glanced out the window and thought I saw a shadowy figure dash past it but when I took a closer look I couldn't see anything. I shrugged and turned around to investigate Luz's room. She had a whole bunch of weird and wonderful stuff. Calling the blanket and pillow Luz slept on a "bed" was a bit of an exaggeration. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world but it certainly seemed better than the couch Luz had sentenced herself too. There was also drawings strewed around the room, doodles of Azura and other characters I don't recognise. One was a boy dressed in some odd cloak with a lightning bolt scar holding what looked like a training wand. Another was a boy with sea green eyes holding a bronze sword with a glowing trident hovering above him.

One drawing caught my eye in particular. It was a beautiful drawing of me and Luz. We were wearing the outfits we had worn at Grom. I decided to indulge in the memory. I had been so stressed the whole day. First about asking Luz to go to grom with me then about how I was going to face my fear. Luz had taken my place as grom queen. She had done that for me! But she had ended up being so scared. We ended up beating grom together and that dance we shared had been the best moment of my life. I had been so scared of the rejection Luz might give but even though I didn't get to ask her I ended up dancing with her anyway.
"Well your fear ended up coming true anyway didn't it?" My mind mocked. The happiness I felt from the nostalgia faded as I was reminded of the worst moment of my life. I wish so much that I could just erase that moment from time. I wish I could go back to before I kissed Luz and erase it from existence. Yeah Em said I had to confess my feelings eventually and that it was better that I had but I disagree. Before i always could have hope, hope that maybe Luz felt the same, hope that maybe one day I could be with her. But now... that hope is gone. Luz doesn't feel that way about me. I had been so sure too.


I was walking in the corridors of hexside. I was looking fir my siblings. This was unusual behaviour for me, usually I tried to avoid them at school to avoid the risk of them embarrassing me but for once I need their help. I turn the corner and see them hanging out with Viney and Jerbo as usual. They're laughing quite a bit so I feel a little awkward approaching but I desperately need their advice on this one.

"Hey, um, Ed, Em can we talk." I say.
The twins look at me surprised at the fact that I approached them. "Can you guys give us a minute?" Em asks Viney and Jerbo. The two nod their heads and walk away.
"What's up mittens?" Ed asks innocently.
"I need your guys help" I admit.
The two glance at each other. "With what sis?" Em asks.
"I have a crush on Luz" I say quietly, so quiet that they didn't hear.
"Speak up mittens." Ed teases.
I feel my face growing redder "I have a crush on Luz" I say again louder this time.
The two of them smile "is this news to you or?" Ed teases.
I look up, surprised. "You guys know."
The two chuckle "yeah mittens it's easy to tell."
I feel myself blush more "am I really that obvious?"
"Yep" Ed says emphasising the P.
"I think the only one who hasn't figured it out is ironically Luz." Em adds.
I breathe a sigh of relief. "At least Luz doesn't know" I think to myself. "Well what should I do?" I ask desperately.
"Well how much do you like her?" Em asks.
I think for a moment. I think about how she makes me feel happy in my worst days. I think about her smile, her laugh, the way she gets so excited when talking about things she cares about. I smile softly as thoughts of Luz dance around my head.
"Think we got our answer." Ed teases which snaps me out of my trance and I blush heavily and try and hide my face.
"Awww mittens has a crush." Em laughs.
"Fine if you won't be any help" I turn away annoyed.
"Mittens wait." Em says grabbing my arm. "We'll help."
"R-really" I ask "no jokes no pranks."
"Mittens we can see how important Luz is too you, of course we'll help in anyway we can." Em offers a comforting smile.
"Plus you shouldn't have much trouble" Ed adds "we're pretty sure she feels the same way."
I state at him shocked "r-really" I say joy suddenly filling me.
"Pretty confident yeah."
"So we'll help you" em says "and don't worry about mum and dad we'll always cover for you" she continues.
"Thanks guys" I say with a few tears in my eyes "this means so much to me."
Ed ruffles my hair "we know mittens. Now let's figure out how to get you two together."

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now