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Trigger warning this chapter contains some heavy descriptions of abuse and therefore viewer discretion is advised.


I walked back to the owl house in silence desperately trying to get a handle on my own feeling towards amity to no avail. I sighed in frustration.
"Hoot hoot, Luz is back hoot" I hear the familiar voice of the creature that exists as part of or as the entire house to this day I'm still not positive. "Hey hooty" I respond with a sigh.
"Something the matter hoot?" He asks
"Yes" I say bluntly as I walk into the house.

Eda is on the couch with king when she notices my solemn expression "what's the matter kid?" My mentor asks with concern in her voice "tough day at school."
"I'm really confused Eda" I confess bluntly
"Wanna talk about it" she asks her heart clearly not really in the gesture.
"Yes" I respond honestly as her expression changed to surprise.
"Oh I was just being polite" she admits "usually you teens never wanna talk" she jokes.
"It's about Amity" I admit.
She rolls her eyes at me and gives me a smirk "I should've known. Young love" she fakes a gag "disgusting" I smile a little and sit down next to her.
"I don't understand my own feelings" I begin "like she kissed me and I rejected her but now she's talking to some new girl called Zoe and it makes me feel all weird inside like someone is gripping my heart and trying to yank it out" I ramble.
Eda interjects "sounds to me like you rejected Amity in the heat of the moment cause you were surprised and now regret the decision and are jealous."
Incredibly that was exactly what I was feeling that I had just been able to not put into words.
"So what do I do about it?" I ask Eda desperately.
She shrugs "I dunno kid, love isn't really my expertise. If you hadn't guessed by the fact I'm single and live alone in an isolated house with a demon pet and annoyingly talkative door" she joked.
I slump down and Eda notices my disappointment at this answer "have you considered telling her the truth?"
"Of course" I state "but..."
"But what?" Eda presses
"I don't wanna end up hurting her again" I admit with tears forming in my eyes "I still don't know if I'm ready for a relationship and I don't wanna get her hopes up just to break her heart again" I sob as tears slowly fall down my cheek "plus she seems to really get on with Zoe so maybe it's just better if she ends up with her "I only have like 2 months before I should be heading back to the human world anyway so maybe it's just better this way."
Eda looks at me with concern before king suddenly speaks up "Luz if you like this girl go after her" he boldly says "you might have to go back to the human realm but one day you'll come back to visit, or at least you better, you'll have to tell your mum about this place eventually and if she truly loves you she'll let you be with Amity. So you should get her before it's too damn late."
I sit there stunned at King's motivational speech but it fills me with a new found determination "you're right king, tomorrow I'll find Amity and explain everything"
Little did I know that it wouldn't turn out to be so simple.

Amity POV

I doubled over from the pain and coughed blood into my hand "please stop" I begged as my father approached me again with his hand raised. He punched me in the face before grabbing me and throwing me across the floor. I landed I front of my mother who was wearing high heels, she spat at me before placing the heel in my back and stepping on me sending intense pain coursing through my back. "Such a disappointment you are" she hissed "we have a reputation to uphold you know this" she dragged me to my fest before slapping me hard across the face. I stumbled back towards my father who took the opportunity to knee me in the gut. "We never had this problem with Edric and Emira. They always exceeded expectations whereas you always fall below them." he glared down at me "we raised you to be perfect" I struggled to my feet "please let me explain" I begged the but he just hit me again and started kicking my sides. "You don't need to explain anything" he yelled "not only are you fraternising with the human but you're also a f***ing f*****."
I looked up at him" Dad, mum please"
My mother interjected "you're no daughter of ours" I felt my heart crack "go to your room and don't come out until given explicit permission" she spat as I ran to my room in terror.
"And if we hear that you've even spoke to that human filth again this punishment will feel like a slap on the wrist" my father shouted at me "and that'll be nothing compared to what we'll do to her"

I cried for hours into my pillow aching all over from the intense abuse. They had never beaten me this bad before, I really had upset them. I chastise myself for being so pathetic, time is wasting I should be studying and here I am crying because my parents discipline is too much for me "I'm truly useless" I say to myself. I lie there for what felt like hours before sleep finally overtook me.

When I awoke the next day I struggled to get out of bed. Not only was the pain still coursing through my body but the crushing weight on my soul was unbearable. "How am I going to get through the day without Luz?" I ask myself. I get dressed and exit my room just to be met with a hard slap from my mother.
"We ordered you not to leave until given permission" she yelled.
I quivered in fear "b...but" I stuttered "I need to get to school"
"No excuses" my mother spat "you know better than to disobey and order. Now come with me" she grabbed my arm and practically dragged me down the steps.
"Stand still" my mother commanded as she drew a spell circle in the air and my wounds seemed to vanish. "There now go to school before you're late"
"Thank you mother" I bow my head and leave the Manor. Despite outwards appearance the wounds were still there and still hurt, my mother simply made them appear fine using illusion magic. She's down it for years so people didn't question me showing up to school injured.

Time skip


I couldn't focus for my first few lessons. I stared at the clock just waiting for lunch so I could seek out Amity. When lunch finally arrived I sprinted to where I knew Amity was having her lesson determined to find her. As I turned the corner I spotted Amity talking to the new girl. I felt a twinge of jealousy in my heart but I ignored it and acted casual in my approach.
"Hey Amity" I said with confidence "what's up?" As I approach a look of absolute terror washed over her face.
"L..Luz what are you doing here" she stammered.
I grew quickly concerned as Zoe looked at me with a sympathetic expression.
"Amity are you okay?" I stretch my arm out towards her but she flinches back in fear, panic evident on her face.
"L...Luz please leave" she begs.
I stand resolute "not until you tell me what's going on" I state.
Amity glances around in a panic "I have to go" she says frantically before running off. I go to chase her but I feel a grip on my arm stopping me in place. I turn to see Zoe with concern riddled on her face.
"We need to talk" she says plainly "now"

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now