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"Ugh when is he going to wake up!" I complain. Nick had been unconscious for hours, Eda had apparently used a stronger spell than she had intended. Couldn't really blame her, she was fighting pretty brutally at the time.

Nick had been tied to a chair, his hands bound so he couldn't cast any spells. He was still asleep despite our best efforts to wake him up which had included dousing him in water, shaking him about and even pinching his mouth and nose closed to try and wake him up, all of which had proved useless.

"Kid what's the rush?" Eda asks "we up past your bedtime?" She teases.

"Eda this is serious, shouldn't you be whipping up a truth potion or something for when he wakes up?" I ask, annoyed at how relaxed she was.

"I don't have the ingredients to make a truth potion." Eda retorts. "A truth spell however I could do but Nick has to be awake in order for me to cast it."

"Well can't you use a spell to wake him up?" Gus asks.

"I could but considering how demanding mine and Nick's fight was I'm not sure I can do both spells without transforming into the owl beast. Look." She pointed to her golden gem that was almost completely turned black.

"Wait what curse?" Willow said concerned.

"Oh I have a curse that turns me into a giant owl if I don't drink this elixir or if I over use my magic." Eda explains. "Since I haven't fully recovered from mine and Nick's fight if I use both spells I might transform."

"Then we'll have to hope he wakes up soon." I say looking back to the unconscious mercenary. "I just hope Amity is okay until then."

Amity POV
I was running to the owl house, not caring how late it was. I had to talk to Luz right now even if she was asleep. To my surprise I saw her walking along the path ahead of me, coming my way.

"Luz!" I called to her and she perked up and seemed confused to see me.

"Amity what are you doing up?" She asked me.

"I could ask you the same thing." I shoot back.

She rolls her eyes, looking somewhat annoyed. "I couldn't sleep, and I'm at least somewhat near the owl house, weren't you staying at Skara's for a few days?"

"Well yeah.." I begin but am interrupted.

"So why are you all the way out here?"

"Well I just came from the meteor shower with Zoe." I admit.

"And how was it?" Luz asks.

"It was really good actually, but I need to tell you something that happened there." I didn't know why I was saying this, I came to tell Luz I was going to investigate the blight basement but instead I was intending to tell her about me and Zoe. Why?

"Oh what happened?" She asked.

"Me and Zoe kissed." I admit. "It was quick and I did kiss her back but I pulled away and I-" I began rambling but Luz interjected.

"Why are you telling me this?" She asks, seeming annoyed again.

"I uh I don't." I stuttered, racking my brain for an answer that wasn't there.

"Did you think I'd be jealous?" She asks.

"No!" I yell, "well... maybe."

"Omg Amity!" She says now sounding very frustrated "did you pull away because of me!?"

"Yes." I hang my head towards the ground.

"Why would you do that?" Luz asks in frustration. "Why would you hurt Zoe like that, because of me? she cares so much about you and you treat her like trash because you can't accept that I keep rejecting you!"

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now