Meteor shower

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Amity POV
I was slumped down against the wall, my knees pulled up to my chest and tears flowing from my eyes. I had ruined everything again. Me and Luz were still close after she rejected me the first time but I just had to push my luck, couldn't just accept the truth and instead I let myself get my stupid hopes us all over again.

After a few minutes Zoe arrived and she sat down next to me. She didn't say anything, didn't try and get me to tell her what happened, she just sat down next to me and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I threw myself at her and began sobbing uncontrollably. I gripped onto her tightly and she wrapped her arms around me in a caring hug.

After a few minutes that felt like hours Im able to calm down a little and wipe my eyes and look at Zoe, who offers a warm smile.
"You look like you needed that." She says warmly.

I nod and give a small smile. "Do you want to talk about anything, anything at all?" She asks.

"Yeah, I want to talk about it." I respond. I take a deep breath. "I asked Luz to the meteor shower." I admit.

"Well I'm guessing from the situation we find ourselves in the response wasn't an overwhelming yes." She jokes. I glare at her "too soon?" She says awkwardly. I nod.

"She rejected me, again, which I should've expected." I say defeatedly.

"Well I mean your feelings make you do things that aren't exactly logical." Zoe says.

"I just wish I could just do things that don't ruin my friendships with the people I care about."

"Well then you know what forget about Luz." Zoe says. "How about you go to the meteor shower with me. It could help you get your mind off everything."

I look up at her. "You really think so?" I ask.

She nods "yeah definitely the shower will be awesome it'll be a nice break from everything."

I nod slowly and give a small smile "okay I'll go with you tomorrow." She kisses my cheek.

"See you then." She walks away and I blush slightly.

"Okay so we're all good with the plan." I say to Willow and Gus who both nod.

"Where's Zoe?" Gus asks.

"She texted me, she had to go do something, family emergency or something." I answer. "She said she won't be able to help, but we still have us 3 so we're fine."

"Do you really think this will work?" Willow asks. "I mean Nick was able to beat both Edric and Emira with little trouble."

"In that case he had the cover of the trees but with you here that'll stop being an advantage." I say confidently "plus we have the element of surprise and a 3 to 1 advantage. We've definitely got this."

"So going over the plan one more time." Gus says. "We wait for him to get back from teaching and try and wrap him up with vines and subdue him." I nod. "And if that doesn't work?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders "we improvise."

Gus shakes his head "I hate this plan."

"Well it's the best we have." I say annoyed. "We will do it tomorrow okay." They both nod their heads.

Willow gets a text in her scroll and looks at it with confusion clear on her expression.

"What is it Willow?" Gus asks.

"Oh just that Amity says she's staying at Skara's tonight and to let Luz know." She answers.

"Why didn't she just text Luz directly?" Gus asks.

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now