Unrequited love

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Flash back to the day of grom

Skara POV
"Ok today is your chance." I thought to myself. "I just need to find Boscha and ask her out, how hard could it be?"

I scanned the halls for her, I couldn't find her anyway. I had planned exactly how i was going to ask her. Being part of the bard track most of if my spells were centred around music and sound. So when asking Boscha out I was going to use my musical talents to play her a song. It was a bit eccentric but people always would go big when it came to asking people out and considering how skilled of a witch Boscha is I wanted to do something to impress her.

I eventually found Boscha walking down one of the hallways. My heart gave a flutter when I saw her. Her 3 mesmerising light purple eyes with her stunning pink hair. I tried to force down the blush growing on my face and tried to calm my breathing. "It's okay you can do this, you've known Boscha for years."

I approached the girl that so frequently intruded on my thoughts. "Hey Boscha" I called out giving an enthusiastic wave. She looked up at the sound of her name and saw me approach.

"Hello Skara." She responded.

"How are you girl?" I asked happily.

"Let me see, still popular, still powerful, still one of the best students." She said extending a finger for each thing she listed. "I'm as good as I can be."

I giggled slightly, she always was so serious with this kind of thing. Always answering with professionalism but also some snark that made me laugh. "Sooooooo." I begin now thoroughly feeling butterflies in my stomach. "I was wondering do you have a date to the grom tonight?"

"No because I'm not going." She responded bluntly. I felt my heart crack at her words. "She's not going? Why? Did she figure out I want to go with her? No that's not possible only I knew. So why doesn't she want to go?"

As I got lost in my thoughts I'm suddenly brought back to reality by Boscha snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Hello? Skara you there?" I shake my head to refocus.

"Oh sorry zoned out." I force a giggle as Boscha rolls her eyes. "So why aren't you going?" I ask.

"No point, grom is just a childish tradition in order to get people to not worry about the creature." Boscha explains. "Unless I'm chosen as Grom queen I see no reason to go to such a silly event."

I felt my heart fall further down the pit that had opened up in my stomach. "W-well" I stuttered. "I think it can be pretty fun, ya know it's just like a party."

Boscha scoffed at my answer. "I'm not surprised you like it Skara." She said coldly.

I looked at her surprised. "What do you mean?"

"Well you're not very, ya know." She said gesturing to my entire body. I gave her a questioning look as she sighed and continued. "Mature." She finished and I looked at her with surprise and hurt. "You're just a little childish ya know, a bit silly."

I hadn't thought it was possible to feel any worse and yet here I was. "Oh." I say defeatedly. "I see." I could feel tears begin to sting my eyes. "I-I gotta go." And before I could hear Boscha's response I ran off.

I eventually found myself in the bathroom crying. "Of course she wouldn't want to go. Why would she? I'm such an idiot." I must've been sobbing for quite a while before eventually leaving.

Eventually I had been asked out by someone else. The way they did I it was impressive, having healers rush in and out them on a stretcher and he pulled out a hard with 'grom?' Written on it.

I had agreed and the night had been fun. Seeing Amity and Luz fight off the grom creature in a beautifully choreographed dance was mesmerising. Seeing the two of them dance had just made the sinking feeling in my gut get worse however.

I went home after that. I couldn't bare to be at the event any longer. As I got home I was welcomed by my parents.

"Hey kid, how was grom?" My dad asked. I didn't look up at him, I felt too numb to really bother to. Grom had acted as a distraction or a little while but now all the suffocating sadness caused by Boscha's words were now overwhelming me.

"It was fine." I said, not a hint of joy or enthusiasm left in my voice. My dads face grew concerned and he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"What's up kiddo? Did you not get to ask out who you wanted?" And at that I burst out crying. I couldn't handle it anymore, my sadness, my betrayal, my pain all came pouring out of me at once. I fell to the ground and sobbed for what felt like hours. Boscha hates me, or if she doesn't she at least has a very low opinion of me. I'm too childish for her, she'll never want me, not like I want her.

Eventually when I had calmed down enough I went straight to bed. I had no enthusiasm to do anything else. I didn't want to talk to anyone I just wanted to lie down, so I did. I laid there for hours before eventually sleep overtook me.

Return to present.

Luz looked at me with sympathy on her face. "Skara im so sorry I didn't know."

"Yeah duh." I responded "I only just told you and it's not like we're particularly close." I rolled my eyes "I don't even know why I'm telling you all this, it's not like you care."

"No i do care." The Dominican girl responded. "Finding out someone you really care about has such a low opinion of you has to really hurt." She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and I looked up at her.

"Well I'm sure I'll get over it." I respond dryly. She gives a weak smile.

"Don't give up hope skara." Luz said "there's always a chance." I give her a weak smile.

"Technically that's true but I'm not holding my breath or anything." I joke weakly. She provides a small giggle. "Thank you Luz, for listening." I say.

"It's no issue really. It's the least I can do."

"Well as a thank you I'll try and get Boscha to pick on you guys less if I can." She smiles and nods. I pick up Boscha off the ground and give Luz a small kiss on the cheek before walking away. "Take care of Amity for us." I call back as I turn the corner and head for home, carrying Boscha in my arms.

Authors note: Bit of a shorter chapter this time around. I wanted this chapter to just be focused on Skara as she's easily my favourite background character and I thought giving her some more complexity for this attitude would be fun.

Don't worry we're gonna get back to some more Lumity stuff next chapter I promise.

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now