A plan to find mittens

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Trigger warning this chapter contains discussions of abuse so viewer discretion is advised.

"Ah so her parents are textbook homophobes"
I say with a hint of anger evident in my voice. It's no wonder Amity ran as soon as she saw me she probably doesn't want her parents to think she's still talking to me.
"It's not just that Luz" Zoe said interrupting my thoughts. "Something else is going on with them" she pauses for a second to gather her thoughts "Luz I think there might be abuse happening in Amity's home" she says carefully.
I stand there shocked, I knew the Blight parents weren't amazing people but to the extent they'd hurt Amity? I didn't want to believe it.
"I'm not 100% positive" Zoe adds quickly "but at my old school abuse was common in a lot of my peers households. The fear and panic Amity displayed, especially when the teacher said they might call her parents, it's common in children who suffer abuse."
"What should we do then?" I ask concern now flooding my body.
Zoe thinks for a moment "Amity has a brother and sister right?" I nod my head quickly "then we should find them, talk to them and then look for Amity."
"Should we ask Willow and Gus for help" I ask
"Those are your friends right? I think Amity mentioned them, Considering this is pretty personal to Amity I think for now the less people know the better, at least until we have all the information so we don't end up spreading false rumours. We both know Amity is dealing with enough right now without another rumour about her circulating."
I nod in agreement as the two of us head to look for Edric and Emira Blight.

Emira POV
Me, Edric, Viney and Jerbo were hanging out in one if the corridors of hexide. We spent most of our time around hexide as a four due to the unique situation we were in in terms of our relationships. Me and Edric are both gay but due to our parents homophobia we have to appear straight for them and in front of classmates. Therefore me and Edric had devised a devious work around. I would pretend to be "dating" Jerbo and Edric would pretend to "date" Viney in order to hide the fact that we were dating the others partner. This allowed us to spend time with each other without the people around us getting suspicious. It worked exceptionally well whenever we invited either Jerbo or Viney to sleep over. Due to our parents not wanting the possibility of a teen pregnancy ruining the Blights "reputation" they always made Jerbo sleep in Edric's room and Viney sleep in my room. This of course allowed us all the privacy we needed to be more intimate with our partners than we could be at any other point.

The four of us were talking about some pretty unimportant stuff like how we thought two of the teachers were having an affair and prank ideas for me and Ed to pull on Mittens. We hardly even noticed Luz and a girl I didn't recognise run up the us until Viney pulled on my arm to get my attention. I turned to the human who had a panicked expression on her face that immediately made me tense up and get serious. "Something is seriously wrong" I thought to myself.
"chicos, ¿han visto Amity? Creemos que algo está realmente mal y necesitamos hablar con ustedes al respecto, por favor vengan con nosotros." Luz begins to ramble in a dielectric we didn't understand.
Luz noticed our confused expression and hits herself on the head. "Dammit I slipped into Spanish again" she scolds herself before restarting. "Ed, Em we need to talk to you it's about Amity we think something is really wrong, por favor síguenos en algún lugar privado."
I notice as she slips into Spanish again as she rambles clearly incredibly panicked and scared.
Ed tried to calm her down "kid slow down, let's go somewhere quiet and start from the beginning." Luz nods her head frantically as we sneak into an empty class room.
"Okay now start from the beginning" I say calmly "first things first, who are you?" I say gesturing to the blue haired girl.
"I'm Zoe" she explains "I'm new here and a friend of Amity's."
"We don't have time for this" Luz yells growing more agitated.
"Calm down cutie" I say to her "what's up with Mittens, why do we need to find her?" I ask. The two girls glance at each other, Luz nods conveying some unspoken agreement between them.
"We have reason to believe" Zoe begins before taking a deep breath "that Amity may be getting abused." She pauses for a moment to allow me and Ed to process the news.
We stand there, shocked into silence "Mum and Dad? Abusing Amity? That's insane" I think to myself "is it?" Another thought says. It's true Amity had never had the easiest relationship with our parents, but to the level of them abusing her? Surely me or Ed would've noticed if something like that was happening to our little sister within our own house. Right?

Ed begins to speak, breaking the silence "what're these grounds?" He asks.
Zoe looks at Luz, indicating for her to explain the situation.
"Well Im sure you guys are well aware about how Amity confessed to me recently" she begins. Me and Ed nod in a agreement, I glance at my brother to see a small hint of resentment in his eyes, he is still annoyed at Luz for breaking Amity's heart but he does his best to not blame her.
"Well Boscha found out so we're guessing that means your parents found out. Zoe tells me that she was distracted in class and when the teacher threatened to call her parents she panicked."
"Then when Luz came over earlier today to talk to Amity she reacted with more fear and panic than could possibly be considered normal." Zoe continued "this happened right after she told me that her parents didn't approve of Luz. Therefore we believe that her parents have hurt her and have threatened to hurt her, Luz or both if she is seen talking to her again."

We all stand in silence for a little while contemplating what we should do next. "Where do you think she's likely to be?" I ask concerned for my sisters safety.
"She could be in her hideout in the library" Luz says. Ed nods his head "that would make sense to me, mittens often goes there when things get hectic."
"Should we all go there then?" Zoe asks
"No" Luz states bluntly "we don't want to overwhelm her and if she's not there then we would've wasted valuable time."
"Makes sense" I say "how about you and Ed go to the library and me and Zoe look around the rest of hexide to see where she is."
"Sounds good to me" Ed says dryly and I realise maybe leaving Ed alone with Luz was a mistake.
Luz taped away at her scroll before looking at the rest of the group "okay I made a group chat with us 4 if anyone finds Amity put it in the group chat ASAP, if no one finds her within an hour meet back here."
We nod our heads and I go with Zoe towards the cafeteria in search for my sister, dread growing in me for what might be happening to her.

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