A strange encounter

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Trigger warning this chapter contains descriptions of trauma and sexual assault, reader discretion is advised.

Zoe had brought a shaking and crying Amity back into my house in the middle of the day. I had tried to ask what was going on but that just made the poor blight girl cry even harder. Zoe had given me a look and shaken her head, silently telling me that now isn't the time to ask.

Nick approached from behind me and looked over at the kids cuddling on the couch. "Poor Amity." Nick says "she just can't calm down." He was right, despite her best efforts Zoe had been completely unable to calm the green haired girl in any significant sense. Amity had been crying for hours.

"What do you think happened to her?" I asked him, concern in my voice. Nick just shook his head.

"I don't think it's our place to theorise." He replied. "Clearly something really bad but it's we shouldn't try and analyse it too heavily, she'll tell us when she's ready."

"Well Luz should be home soon so maybe she can help calm her down." I replied. Something about the human is extraordinarily good at calming Amity down.

"Those two are very close aren't they." Nick teased raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes it's young love and it's disgusting." I said to which Nick let out a small laugh.

"Why aren't the two of them together again?" He asked.

"Amity confessed to Luz but Luz panicked because she has to go home in a couple of weeks and so rejected her but now she regrets it but hasn't told Amity this, partly because she hasn't had the chance and partly because that Zoe girl also has feelings for Amity." I summarised.

Nick nodded his head "has she talked to Zoe about this?"

I nod my head in response "Zoe said she wouldn't pursue a relationship with Amity but this decision seems to be affecting the poor girl."

"Well no one said love was easy." Nick sighed.

I burst through the door into the owl house, completely ignoring hooty trying to talk to me. I was still worried about Amity, I know Zoe just said she was sick but something felt off, something told me it was more serious.

As I opened the door I saw Zoe and Amity hugging on the couch. It filled me with jealousy at first but then I saw that Amity was crying and I was suddenly filled with dread. I sit down next to Amity. "What happened?" I said confused.

Zoe looked at me with sympathy "amity went through something today, I didn't tell you so you didn't worry and rush home early."

"You lied to me!" I said angrily but I heard Amity crying harder so I tried to calm down.

"I'll give you two some time alone." Zoe said as she got up and walked away.

"Hey Amity are you okay?" I asked softly. She moved closer to me and snuggled up close. "It's alright for you don't want to tell me." I continue.

"No it's fine." She says her voice sounding rough because of all the time she spent crying. "Can we just get more comfortable first?"

I nod "where do you want me?" Eventually we get settled on the couch with me laying across it, head one end and feet the other with Amity laying on top of me. She had her head just under my chin and she was breathing erratically. I had my arms wrapped around her to try and make her feel safe. "Do you want to try and talk about what happened?"

Amity took a deep breath "I was sitting outside near a tree to try and clear my head she Mattholomule and his friend Hefferson starting harassing me." She paused a moment as she grabbed my shirt tighter, disturbed by the memory. I stroked her hair to calm her down. "T-th-they" Amity stuttered "they were feeling me up and when I tried to get away they pinned me against the tree and were going to-going to-to." I pulled Amity close as she began to cry harder again.

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