This chapter may be ending

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Authors note: only 2 chapters left counting this one so get ready.

Amity POV
"I have to go home."

5 simple words uttered from the human's mouth and my heart was shattered. It felt like the ground opened up and I was swallowed up into an endless pit of emptiness. But it didn't. Instead I sat there, speechless, my mind desperately trying to process as my heart cried in agony.

It was Gus who broke the silence that befell the group. "When?" He croaked, his voice straining to hold back the flood of emotions that had undoubtedly filled the young boy.

"Tomorrow morning." Luz responded, her voice too filled with heartbreak.

A saddened silence once again fell upon the group, none of us having the ability to speak, for fear of breaking down. Then Eda's voice came with her a hopeful idea.
"Well then we shouldn't waste anytime." She said. "Do you really want your last day to be silent wallowing in sadness?"

Gus perked up. "Yeah let's throw you a super awesome going away party!"

Luz's eyes sparkled with happiness and I felt my chest tighten as she turned to me with excitement and leaned in so her face was only a few inches away from me which made me turn bright red.
"This is gonna be awesome!" She said and I tried to respond but all I squeaked out was something along the lines of.

At this Willow giggled. "You aren't allowed to see us get it ready though Luz."

Luz pouted in the most adorable way. "Whyyyyyyyy???" She whined.

"Cause it's gotta be a surprise kid, that's how these things work." Eda said.

"Plus you don't plan your own going away party, duh." Gus added.

Luz continued to pout and willow rolled her eyes playfully. "How about this Luz, if you let us plan the party." Luz gave an annoyed, sad expression in protest but Willow continued. "You two can have the whole day, just the two of you."

At this both Luz's and my faces went tomato red. We tried to protest but eda pushed us out the house. "Go have some fun you two." And she slammed the door behind her.

Me and Luz looked at each other and looked away blushing. My mind was racing and gay panic had fully taken control. "Omt (oh my Titan) omt omt omt." I tried to calm myself down. If this is the last opportunity I get to spend with Luz then I can't spend the whole day gay panicking.

"So." I say to her as I calm down. "What do you wanna do first?"

Luz ponders for a moment. "We could go to the market and see if there's anything fun on sale."

I nod my head and Luz grabs my hand and we run off to the market.

30 minutes later.
Willow POV
"Gus calm down." I said as my small friend paced around the room frantically.

"It's been 30 minutes and we've got no ideas for Luz's going away party." He said frantically.

"Kid we've got all day, try and relax." Eda said casually.

"No!" He protested. "This could be Luz's last ever memory of the boiling isles, of all of us." He began to tear up. "It has to be perfect."

I looked at him sympathetically. "Gus whatever we end up doing, as long as we're all here I'm sure Luz will love it."

The small boy looked at me with tears eyes. "And kid I doubt this'll be the last time we see Luz again." Eda adds. Gus looks at her skeptically as she continues. "One of the many traits that Luz always annoys me with is her infuriating love for her friends. I mean after all the crap we just went through to get the Blight girl back, you really think Luz is just gonna accept never seeing you twerps again."

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now