Christmas special (canon)

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A/N hello everyone. Because of a burst of holiday spirit I thought I'd make a little bonus chapter and unlike the Easter special this one actually is canon to the story. And stick around till the end for a festive announcement.

"I can't believe you guys don't even have Christmas here!" I say with shock as I drag more Christmas decorations through the portal.

"Well based on the fact we don't have a 'Christ' it really shouldn't come as much of a surprise." Lilith responded.

"Wow sis really getting a holiday spirit coming off you." Eda joked as she juggles the baubles, much the my stress.

"It's more about being around loved ones instead of the Christ fellow anyway." Gus pointed out as he placed a wreath around hooty's neck.
"Right Luz?"

"Right you are my good man!" I smiled.
"It's about being around the best people in the world."

"Nah it's about the free stuff!" King argued as he jumped up on the couch.

As we continued to put up the decorations a very clear chanting could be heard approaching the owl house.
The chanting consisted of two voices saying...

"CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS! CHRISTMAS!" Ed and Em changed as they essentially leaped through the door.

"How can the two of you be so excited for a holiday you just learned about?" Amity sighed with disbelief as she followed her siblings.

"Surely you know by now not to question those two." Nick joked as he and Amity entered the room.

My heart gave a flutter as my eyes fell onto her. Despite me now spending the majority of time in the boiling isles the two of us still hadn't gotten together. Everything was just kind of up in the air and awkward, things were still settling down after the battle at blight manor a few months ago. Amity had also dyed her hair purple which looked amazing, which had done a world of wonders for my bi panics, they now happened about 2 million times a day instead of 1 million.

"YO LUZ!" Eda yelled loudly which snapped me out of my slightly creepy staring and refocus on reality.
"You gonna help here or not?!" Eda asked as she carried a box of decorations.

I jumped up and started helping set up the decorations, trying to distract myself from the blush that I knew was on my face.

"So what can us lot do to help?" Willow asked Luz.

"Oh you can help me start cooking the Christmas dinner!" Camilla said as she brought some ingredients through the portal.

"So is this Christmas thing why you told us to pick names out a hat and get a gift for them?" Eda asked luz.

"Yeah that's secret Santa!" Luz said with happiness.

"Well can we open them!" Edric asked with the excitement of a child!

"How old are you?" Emira teased.

"Presents are amazing at any age!" Edric pouted

"Well how about we go and get everyone else for the party and then open gifts." Nick suggested.

"Who's left to get that isn't here?" Lilith asked.

"Just Skara, Boscha, Jerbo and Viney." Amity answered.

"We can get Viney and Jerbo." Em suggested.

"Luz and Amity can get the other two." Willow said with a smirk.

Me and Amity looked at each other and looked away blushing. "Oh great." I thought to myself. "This isn't going to be awkward at all."

The two of us left the owl house and began the seemingly endless walk to Skara's house while we stayed in agonising silence. Seemingly neither of us had forgotten the night before I was meant to leave the boiling isles where I went to kiss Amity and she had not reciprocated. Now it should be simple, I like Amity and she likes me so why shouldn't we just get together?

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now