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I made my way back to the couch where willow and Gus had joined Amity. She looked tired but when she saw me her eyes lit up. I tried to hid my blush as I approach. "Hey Luz" Gus said we were thinking we should have a big ol sleepover here at the owl house." He was seemingly beaming with excitement at the idea.
"I dunno Gus will eda be okay with it." I respond
"Will Eda be okay with what?" I hear the questioning voice of my mentor approach behind us."
"Ooh miss owl lady" Gus begins "we were thinking we should all have a big sleepover here, me, willow, amity, Zoe and Luz." He grins happily.
Eda groans "why on Titan would I want that."
"Cmon grandma it'll be fun." Zoe jokes.
Nick starts laughing "oh I knew I liked you blue." He laughs.
Eda scowls at the two of them "fine but I'm not cooking for all of ya so you better figure something out."
"Ooh I can cook." I volunteer.
"I'll help." Zoe offers.

Me and Zoe make our way to the kitchen to prepare the meal.
"So what should we make?" Zoe asks.
I think for a moment before an idea pops into my head "ooh ooh" I say excitedly.
"Ooh ooh what?" Zoe teases.
"We should make a human meal from my home dimension. I got Eda to send owlbert to get some ingredients so let's make something human."
Zoe smiles "yeah sure could be fun."

We grab the ingredients and we start making some Habichuelas Guisadas for everyone.
"My mom makes this for me whenever I need a pick me up since she knows it's one of my favourites." I smile a little at the thought of my mom but then a sense of dread washes over me as I remember the fear grom had shown me. "I'll have to tell her at some point if I ever want to come back here." I think to myself.
Zoe must've noticed my sudden change in attitude as she gives me a concerned look. "Luz are you okay?" She places a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
I snap out of my thoughts and smile at her "I'm fine."
She gives me a skeptical eyebrow raise.
"Fine" I sigh "I was thinking about home." I admit.
She gives me a warm smile "do you miss it?" She asks.
"I guess" I say "I don't miss school and all the other kids who picked on me but I miss my mom." I feel a few tears forming at the edges of my eyes "I've been lying to her for months and I don't know how she'll take it. But if I ever want to have a chance of coming back here I have to tell her. I'm just scared she'll say no."
"Well you can't just not ever tell her." Zoe says. "Does your mother seem like the type of person that would react badly to this sort of situation?"
"I don't know." I respond.

I take out the key to the human world from my pocket and look into the eye at the top.
Zoe looks at the key then back to me and back to the key "Um Luz?" She begins "the f*ck is that?"
I giggle a little at her question "this is the key that opens the door to the human world." I explain. "This is my way home."
"And you just carry it around with you in your pocket all the time?" Zoe asks "no offence Luz but that seems like a really dumb idea."
I let out an exaggerated gasp "uh rude." I joke.
"What? I said no offence." Zoe throws her hands up in fake surrender.
"Yeah well offence taken." I laugh.
"Well see now that's just your personal problem." She smirks at me.
We both laugh for a second before I turn to her "okay okay now shut up and help me cook."
"Yes ma'am" Zoe salutes and I jokingly push her and we get back to cooking. 

Luz and the Zoe girl had gone off to cook some sorta human food.
"Edaaaaaa!!!" I heard king cry from the other room. I walk inside to the living room to se the self proclaimed king of demons being dressed up by the blight girl, Luz's friend with glasses and the optimistic human obsessed boy.
"Shhhhhh stop complaining this is good for you." Willow giggled.
"Yeah we're gonna make you feel like a wonderful princess." Gus continued.
"I am not a princess" king complained "I am the king of demons."
"Yeah but right now you look like an adorable princess." Amity giggled.
I smiled a bit at the scene. Even if king was an unwilling participant seeing the blight girl smile so innocently was certainly a good sign.
"Sorry king nothing I can do there's 3 of them one of me you'll have to handle this yourself." I say as I walk away.
"Eda nooooooooo" I hear the cries of king followed by the giggles of the children.

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now