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Amity POV

As Amity got to her locker she felt tears begin to stream down her face. She wanted to see Luz to talk to her but she knew she couldn't, out of fear for her but most for herself. She was deathly terrified of her parents. Ed and Em where none the wiser to be abuse their parents inflicted on me. Our Mother being such a skilled witch in terms of illusion magic meant that they never even saw they damage i had suffered. I wanted so much to tell them what was done to me but I'm afraid what my parents would do to them if i did so i kept quiet. I deserve the punishment anyway, it's not like there never reasons for the abuse. Sometimes it would be a low grade, sometimes i'd get into trouble at school sometimes i'd break something or talk back. It was always justified.

I got to my locker and saw Zoe standing there waiting for her. She looked up at me and smiled "sup cutie" she said which made me blush a little "hey Zoe, you alright?" I asked.
"Better now that you're here it gets surprisingly boring here"
To that I giggled slightly before grabbing my stuff. Zoe was good at cheering me up just like Luz. With that thought i frowned slightly.
Zoe looked at me with concern. "Hey everything alright?" She asked gently.
I forced a smile "of course" I lied "let's get to class."
She looked at me suspiciously but didn't pry any further to which I was grateful for. We headed to class.

Time skip

Class was boring and I was having a hard time focussing. I either found myself zoning out or talking to Zoe to try and calm my nerves. The teacher had continuously told me to focus but it was ineffective.
"Amity Blight" the teacher said with their voice raised. "If you do not focus I will have to Inform Principal Bumb and your parents about your poor behaviour."
To that I panicked, fear shot through me alerting my every nerve in my body. My every instinct told me to run "that won't be necessary miss I apologise" I spoke quickly and loudly fear evident in my voice that earned an extremely concerned look from Zoe.

After class had ended Zoe took me aside to ask me about what happened in class. "Amity something is going on with you" she stated bluntly. "I know you probably don't want to tell me but I'm here if you need me."
I tired my best to calm down and wiped the tears from my eyes "thank you" I responded "that means a lot."
"Ooh lookie hear what have I spotted" I heard the familiar taunting voice of Boscha approaching. I turn to face her. "What do you want Boscha?"
"With you nothing" she sneered "no I'm here for our newest student" she looked directly at Zoe with her three piercing eyes.
"See Zoe you're new here so I'll forgive this instance of ignorance on your part. You see Amity isn't the kind of witch you want to be associated to" she faked a laugh. "Come with us" she gestured to her group "and we'll show the right sort of people you want to be associated with."
I glanced at Zoe to see her eyes filled with hatred. She boldly stepped right up to Boscha so there was only a few inches between them "I can tell the right sort for my self thanks" she announced "now f*ck off" she added. Shock mixed with anger spread across Boscha's face "you'll regret that newbie." She growled.
"My name is Zoe" Zoe added confidently.
As they were backing away Boscha faced me and said "well looks like you got a new friend. Try not to kiss this one" she left wearing an infuriating grin.

"Sorry about that" I said to Zoe "but thanks for sticking up for me" I smiled.
"Anytime" Zoe responded with a grin of her own which made my heart flutter a little.
"But what did she mean by dont kiss this one" Zoe asked curiously.
I sighed, I guess there was no avoiding this conversation. "Let me tell you about Luz the human."

Time skip (only a few minutes this time).

I finished recounting my stories about Luz, how we met, how we became friends, how I developed feelings and even the painful story of my rejection. Zoe for her part just listened not contributing just letting me ramble on. I don't know why I was spilling my guts to someone I barley knew but it felt good to have someone to talk to and to have someone who would listen.

As I finished up the final parts of the story Zoe gave me a knowing compassionate look.
"Rejection hits hard Amity and I'm sorry you went through that."
"Thanks" I responded.  "Maybe it's for the best, my parents..." I squinted at just the thought of them "they don't exactly approve" I added.
"Because she's a girl or cause she's human?" Zoe asks
"Look I'm not as oblivious as Luz" I say "I see how you look at me, it's pretty clear you're interested"
She gives me a smile "ya got me" she jokes
"I'm just not really sure if I'm ready for a relationship." I continue "partly cause of Luz, part because of" I pause "my parents" I say quietly.
Zoe gives me the same compassionate look as earlier "look there something you're not telling me about your parents but I respect your boundaries so if at any point you want to tell me I'm always willing to listen."
It was an incredibly sweet gesture and I know she means it but I'm not ready to tell her yet if anyone really I have to keep it to myself so no one else gets hurt.

I hear a familiar voice behind me and fear immediately takes over my entire body.
"Hey Amity" I see Luz walking towards me her arms behind her head. "What's up?" She asks casually.
"L-Luz" i stammer "what are you doing here?" My mind starts racing "no no no no no no no no" I think to myself "she can't be here if I'm seen with her." Panic rises through my entire body which Luz immediately recognises.
"Amity are you okay?" She asks clearly concerned. She begins to reach her arm out but I back away quickly. "Luz please leave" I beg. I need her gone before we're seen or the consequences will be horrible.
"Not until you tell me what's going on" she says standing resolved to figure outs what's wrong. I look around frantically to make sure Boscha hasn't come back. I begin to back away. "I have to go" I stammer out as I run as fast as I can away from Luz and Zoe. She doesn't follow most likely stopped by Zoe. As tears run down my face I sprint as fast as I can to the library where I find my hideout and hide. I begin to sob uncontrollably as as cower in fear.

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now