That's how you know you can win

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Authors note: I'd recommend listening to the sing linked above to remind yourself of the song as it comes back around later in the chapter. Either way enjoy.

Amity POV
I struggled against my restraints in another futile attempt at escape, to no avail. There was no escaping this situation. I would be stuck here until freed... or converted.

"Amityyyyyy." I hear the familiar voice of one of my captures. Zoe walks into view with a gleeful smile on her face. "It's time."

I gulped loudly as my mind raced for an escape but no ideas would grant themselves.

My father walked out from the darkness, his eyes sunken, surrounded by bags, he looked awful. "Let's begin."

Me, Eda and Nick were creeping along the forest surrounding the Blight manor. Willow, Gus and the twins had already split of and we were now just waiting on their signal.

We saw emperors coven guards scattered along the grounds. They were covering every possible blindspot that you could think of. "There's no way past." I whisper to Nick and Eda.

"We just need to be patient, wait for the others." Nick urges.

I shuffle uncomfortably, I want to save Amity and all this waiting around was starting to wear thin. Then erupting from the silence was a bloodcurdling scream. The owner was instantly recognisable as the girl I was so desperate to save.

"Amity!" I yelled as I darted forward.

"Luz no!" Eda and Nick called out desperately as they rushed after me.

All the nearby guards turned to me and fired a wide variety of spells directly at me.

Eda rushed in-front as summoned a magical shield to block the incoming attacks. We heard the sound of slow clapping to the side and we all turn our attention to the source of the sound. "I must admit" The cruel voice of Odalia announces. "You acted exactly as predicted."

"You." I growl. "Where is Amity?!" I demand.

"A safe distance from the likes of you." Odalia spat, voice filled with venom and disgust directed towards me.

Me and Nick got ready for a fight but eda placed a hand on my shoulder. "Go on kid I can handle this one." I look up at her with concern but Nick asks my question before I get the chance.

"Eda are you sure you'll be alright?"

"You two just focus on getting to Luz's girlfriend and the others." Eda teases as she summons her staff to her side and points it towards Odalia. "Go!"

My mentor rushes at the mother of Amity despite me wanting to protest but Nick holds me back. "Don't worry about her, she's the most powerful witch on the boiling isles remember."

I nod my head and turn our attention towards the half a dozen Emperors coven soldiers standing between us and the manor.

"You take the 3 on the right I'll take the 3 on the left?" I suggest but Nick shakes his head.

"I'll take 4." He declares before rushing forwards, drawing his long knife as he runs.

I follow his example and rush towards the two guards closest to me. I pull two glyphs from my pockets and slam the onto the ground. Towards the closest guard a number of large vines rush forward and icicles fly towards the other. Unfortunately for me they are able to easily avoid my attacks and counter with attacks of their own.

One guard summons an abomination to his side whereas the other pulls two potions from his cloak and throw them toward me. I roll to the side to avoid the projectiles and I see the ground behind me burn and sizzle. "Did he just throw acid at me?"

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now