But the story is just beginining

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Authors note: well this is it, the final chapter. I've had so much fun writing this so I hope you enjoy.
Side note there's a bit of Spanish in this chapter but it's all gotten from google translate so if any of it is wrong please let me know.

I took in the sight in front of me. The familiar woodland path. The trees that made the oxygen that fed my lungs. The leaves gently littering the ground showing it was nearing the start of fall.

I was back on earth.
I took a deep breath and took it all in.

And then someone crashed into me.

I was knocked to the ground by a sudden and unexpected force. When I opened my eyes I rubbed the side of my head and look to see what had knocked me over. What I wasn't expecting to see was the green haired girl I was so familiar with.


"Hey Luz." She said sheepishly.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her as I help the girl to her feet.

"I don't know. I wasn't thinking I saw you going through the portal and just...well followed." Amity explained.

"Well you should probably go back." I say as I grab the key, ready to reopen the portal that had closed when she came through.

"But what if I didn't?" Amity asked.

I looked at her questioningly. "What?"

"Well you want to tell your mum about the boiling isles anyway right?" She said. "Well your story would likely be more believable if you had someone from the boiling isles there with you."

"That... actually makes a lot of sense." I say. "Man you're super smart Amity."

Amity blushes a little at the unexpected compliment but then smiles. "Well I am the top student at Hexside for a reason." She says confidently.

"Speaking of." I say. "Can you do magic here?"

"I dunno, let me try." Amity tries to draw a spell circle but instead the purple lines just flicker before disappearing.
She pouts and tries again with more effort and she's able to summon a small abomination.
Amity turns to me. "Barley, try your glyphs."

I pull out a light glyph and tap the centre, but instead the paper just shrivels up.
"Welp, guess we can't show my Mamà any magic."

"Well we can just show her the key and open the portal instead." Amity suggests.

"Yeah that'll work!" I say excitedly.
I grab Amity's hand and we run towards my house.

Amity POV
"Omt I'm going to meet Luz's parents!" I thought to myself. Well her mother at least. Weirdly enough Luz had never so much as mentioned anything about her father, maybe he's not around? Either way I'm still freaking out.

Obviously I want her to like me because I care about Luz but what if she doesn't? Then suddenly a realisation pops into my mind and I stop dead and Luz is jerked backwards due to holding my hand.
"What's up Ami?" She asks.

"What're we gonna do about my ears?" I ask gesturing to the pointed ends of my ears.

"Nothing." Luz says. "When my Mamà sees your ears we'll tell her about the boiling isles and show her it."

"Are you sure your Mum will take it as well as you say she will?" I asked, slightly concerned.

"There's only one way to find out and with you here I'm sure she'll understand." Luz responds.

I didn't really know what she meant by that last bit but I'm still gonna stay by her side. No matter what.

We approach a one floor house and stand at the bottom of the stairs staring up at the door.
"Are you ready?" I ask the human girl.

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now