Tough talks

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As we left the room we began making our way down the hallway back towards the waiting room we were stopped by doctor Venat.
"Ms Noceda I need to speak to you for a moment." He paused for a moment "privately."
I looked at Amity who had a very concerned look in her face and was beginning to breath rapidly. I held her hands and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles to calm her down "it's okay Ami" I said with sympathy "I'll be there in a moment" I brushed some loose hair behind her ear and smiled. She smiled back and reluctantly let go of my hands and slowly walked towards the others.

I turned to doctor Venat "what's up doc?" I asked jokingly.
He had a concerned look in his eyes "I did notice something else with Ms Blight other than her injuries." He began "I noticed she seemed to be a little malnourished, I don't think she's been eating properly and by the looks of it she hadn't eaten anything in the last few days."
Dread filled my stomach "why isn't Amity eating enough" I thought "is this something to do with her parents"
Dr Venat continued talking which interrupted my thoughts. "I'm aware that you are quite close with her, please try and keep an eye on her, take note of everything she eats over the next few days and if she hasn't eaten a substantial meal in the next week please contact me immediately."
"Will do" I respond immediately.
He gives me a caring smile before saying I can go back to the waiting room.

I make my way back to the others to see that Willow and Gus had also arrived.
"We heard what happened and decided to come on by to make sure everything is okay" Gus said with enthusiasm.
"Thanks guys" I respond "that's very caring of you."
I looked over to the side to see Amity surrounded by Ed and Em who seemed to be asking a lot of questions with concern evident in their voices and body movements.
Amity was shifting in her seat so I made my way to her quickly and placed my hand on Emira's shoulder "guys give her some space you're stressing her out."
The twins turned to me then back to amity with an apologetic expression "sorry mittens" Ed begins "we'll give you some space" Em finished before going over to Zoe and Eda.

I say down beside Amity and gave her a sympathetic smile "you okay?"
"Yeah" she answered quietly "thank you."
Her hands were shanking and clutching at her uniform. I placed my hands on hers and she began calming down. "I'm scared Luz" she admitted as I noticed tears staring to form in her eyes.
Seeing Amity, who so often seemed so strong and like she was always in control of herself and the situation, so vulnerable and scared broke my heart. The contrast between the arrogant, mean bully version of Amity I saw when I first met her compared to the girl sitting beside was like night and day. I wondered to myself if the bully she was had acted as a defensive mechanism to protect her from her parents and from the heartbreak of pushing away Willow. "I know Ami" I responded "but I'm here for you, you're not alone and you won't be again."
She rested her head in my shoulder and a blush emerged in my face "promise?" She asked so quietly I almost didn't hear.
I rested my head against hers "I promise."

Time skip

Amity POV

As we all sat in the owl house I refused to leave Luz's side for almost any reason. Whenever she went to another room I went with her I followed her around like a lost puppy. I don't know why but Luz made me feel safe, like nothing could go wrong when I was with her.
We spent a few hours in the owl house before I was approached by my siblings.
"Mittens we're gonna head home okay, stay safe" em said to me.
Panic filled my body "they're going back" I thought to myself "they can't, I won't let them"
"No" I said a little louder than I had intended.
The twins were taking aback, surprised at my sudden outburst. "No?" Ed asked questioningly
"You c-can't go back" I stuttered "it's not safe."
The pair gave me a sympathetic look "mittens we understand and believe us we loath mom and dad for what they've put you through." Em began "but" Ed continued "if we don't go back they will start asking questions and will come looking. But If we go back then we can cover for you with some bulls*t excuse and keep you safe for a little while."
I was still not comfortable with this plan. This concern was apparently evident from my expression as my siblings looked at me with care "mittens it'll only be temporary" em assured me "when Nick gets here we'll try and think of a better plan to get us all out of there okay."
I slowly nodded my head "just be careful" I say Ed gives a smile "when are we ever" he jokes before the two of them leave.

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now