Easter special (non canon)

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Authors note: this story isn't canon so don't take it too seriously, I just thought it'd be some fun, so enjoy.

Amity POV
"SO YOU GUYS DONT HAVE EASTER!" Luz yelled, earning a lot of looks from people around the cafeteria.

I clicked my fingers next to my ears to make sure I could still hear. "No we don't have Easter." I say. "What is it?"

Luz gasped for air and was left completely speechless. Gus decided to fill in for her and answer my question. "It's a human holiday where they celebrate the resurrection of Jesus by hiding painting eggs and eating some chocolate ones after all the painted ones are found."

"How are those two things related?" Willow asked curiously.

"They aren't really." Luz answered, finally composing herself. "But it gives us an excuse to eat way to much chocolate and it's amazing."

"Well that certainly sounds fun." I respond.

Luz's eyes light up. "Omg, let's do an Easter egg hunt here in the boiling isles!"

Gus became immensely exited by the idea. "Yes I have always wanted to do an Easter egg hunt!"

"We don't know what you said but we're in." We heard the voice of Edric and we turned around to see him standing behind us, along with his twin sister as well as Viney and Jerbo.

"Can we join too?!" We turn to the other side to see an excited Skara, with a more disgruntled Boscha at her side.

"Yeah! The more the merrier." Luz said happily. "Meet us at the owl house after school and we'll paint eggs and hide them around the boiling isles."

"Sounds like a plan." I respond.

Time skip

I delicately paint the last detail on the egg and place it with the others. "That's the last one." I say happily.

"I can't believe you roped me into this." Nick grumbled as tried to wipe paint of his jacket, to little success.

"So this holiday is celebrating a resurrected Jew but also has a human sized rabbit hiding his eggs everywhere?" Eda asked dumbfounded, "humans are very strange creatures."

"Truth." Nick adds.

"So who's gonna hide these?" Amity asks.

I press my finger to my cheek. "Idk?" I shrug. "I didn't think that far."

Boscha facepalms and groans. "Of course you didn't."

Amity glares at her but I place my hand on hers and she meets my eyes as I silently tell her it's okay.

"So how are we going to hide the eggs?" Gus asks.

"Well me, the twins and you can use clones to hide the eggs." Nick says to Gus.

I clap my hands together "good idea, now get on that."

"Now?" Edric asks.

"Yes now!" I respond. "We don't have all day!"

The twins groan as they, along with Nick and Gus, summon a handful of clones which leave the owl house with the eggs.

"This is gonna be fun!" Skara says.

"We should add a competition to it." Eda suggests.

"Yeah!" Ed and em say in unison.

"We could break into teams of two." Willow suggests.

"What'll the teams be?" Amity asks, somewhat nervously.

Ed and Em look at each other and nod. "Well me and Ed will be partners." Em begins.
"And we suppose you can be partnered with the human, mittens." Ed finishes.

Amity's cheeks turn red and I giggle a little at her embarrassment.

"Okay." Eda says, deciding to speed things up for everyone. "Plant girls goes with human dork." Willow says, gesturing to Willow and Gus. "Grumpy three eyed girl goes with musical kid." Eda pointed to Boscha and Skara.

"And I will stay far away from this whole thing." Nick says.

"Nope Nick, you're a part of this." I say happily. "You can be with Eda."

"Who will I be partnered with then?" King whines.

"You can be with meeeeeeee hoot hoot~" hooty says.

"Nooooooooooo" the tiny demon yells as everyone laughs at his misery.

Time skip
Amity POV
"I got one!" Luz yells excitedly as she holds an egg she just found in a forest bush into the sky.

I feel my heart beat faster as her smile lights up. "That makes 12." I respond.

Luz skips over to me, smiling. "Do you think we're winning?" She asks me.

"I think we've got a darn good chance." I say and Luz smiles even more and I blush heavily.
"She's so darn cute."

We hear a rumble above us and we look up to see dark clouds suddenly forming above us. A small droplet falls onto my face and pain sizzles on my cheek.

"Boiling rain!" I yell as Luz shoots me an panicked expression and we start running.

"We're too far from the owl house!" Luz yells and I look around frantically and spot a tree with a carved out cover we can hide in.

I grab Luz's hand and pull her under the cover of the carved out tree and take off my jacket, draping it over the entrance and hold it in place with a spell. The make shift door protects us from and rain that would come in and Luz uses a glyph to create a light ball so we can see.

We both pant heavily as we try and get comfortable in the claustrophobic space. We were practically on top of each other, which of course, made my face turn the colour of a tomato.

We heard a quiet crack and then silence.
"I think you sat on one of the eggs." Luz says in a completely serious tone.

"So it would seem." I respond.

Then after another brief moment of silence we both burst out laughing.

After a moment we both calmed down.
"So what do we now?" I ask.

"I dunno." Luz sighs. "I just wanted all this to be an enjoyable little holiday and now we're stuck in a tree hoping to avoid getting boiled to death."

"Luz I know not everything has gone according to plan." I said. "But I have had an amazing time today and I'm sure everyone else has as well."

Luz looks up at me and gives a small, but genuine, smile that made my flame turn red all over again.
"Thanks Ami." She said.

A moment of silence fell between us and we seemingly had the same idea at the same time. The two of us leaned in and shared a tender kiss. After a moment we broke away and looked each other lovingly in the eyes.

We also noticed that the sound of rain could no longer be heard. We peaked behind my now ruined jacket to see that indeed the rain had stopped.

With this we went back to the owl house and met up with the others. The rest of the day had been spent eating chocolate eggs and hanging out in the wanted woman's home.

"Before today I had never even heard of Easter before." I thought to myself as I looked at Luz who gave a happy smile, her mouth stained by the chocolate.

"But I could certainly get used to it."

The End

Authors note: hope you all enjoyed this little Easter special. I know it wasn't much but I enjoyed writing it anyway.
The actual story of time enough for love will be resuming next Friday as usual.

With that said I hope you all have a wonderful Easter and I'll see you all next time.

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now