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I've realised that Nick's backstory is a little difficult to follow so I've decided to make this to clear some things up.

Nick was trained from an early age to be Emperor Belos' successor.
During this time he was trained brutally and often forced to kill wild witches at the command of the emperor.
When he was 19 he ran off to the covention and joined the illusion coven before laying low until Alador's wedding.
He said his goodbye to Alador and ran off to the human world.

In the human world he spent 3 years figuring out what he should do in this world doing odd jobs and learning martial arts (mostly Judo and boxing) before joining the military.
He then joined the military and met Sig.
Sig introduced Nick to Max and they quickly fell in love.
Nick served for 6 years in the military with Max before Max was killed in action.
Nick then visited the boiling isles and made friends with Amity, Edric and Emira.
He stayed with Eda for about 2 years to lay low but eventually went back to the human world as the emperor was trying to kill Nick and it put people at risk.
So then he became a mercenary for 5 years before being called by Eda back to the boiling isles.

This makes him 35 at the start of the story.
I intend to cover this a little more in the sequel (yes there will be a sequel) but i thought I should probably clear up Nicks timeline.

If anything still seems confusing about it let me know and I'll try and fix it later in the story or explain it in the comments.

Time enough for love, chapter 29: Battle at Blight manor, will be coming out tomorrow so get ready for that. Have a great day and I'll see you all next time.

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now