Roses are red

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Amity POV
I stare at the two people in front of me. Every instinct telling me to run but being unable to move, overcome with fear.

"Now come along dear we need get home." My mother says coldly.

Suddenly an abomination hand flies at her which she barely dodges. I turn to my side to see Zoe with a determined look. She looks at me. "Well don't just stand there. Fight!"

I'm snapped out of my paralysed stance and I summon 2 abominations by my side. "Abominations attack" I command and they fly at my parents.

As I scramble to my feet I see Lilith in front of us, her staff pointed at Nick.

"Under arrest." He says "seriously? Look Lilith we're kinda busy right now."

"I have my orders I'm going through with them, you are under-" Lilith is interrupted as a large vine snacks into her and she goes flying back.

I turn to see willow, clutching Gus at her side with her arm extended to where the vine went.

Eda groans as she gets to her feet and Nick struggles to do the same, his hands still bound behind him. "Oh brilliant Lilith is here how wonderful" he says as he suddenly cries in pain and falls to one knee.

"You still can't lie!" Eda scowls at him.

"Well can't you undo it?" He yells.

"No it works on a timer!" Eda yells back.

"Oh well that's just perfect- ahhhhhh" he falls to his other knee.

"Nick just stop being sarcastic!" I yell in frustration.

"It's part of my charm." He groans "just get these restraints off." Gus rushes to him and starts fiddling with the restraints but they suddenly have to dodge to the side as a blast of magic flies towards them.

Lilith pants as she aims the staff at Nick again for another shot. I fiddle with my pockets and find a piece of paper. I slam the glyph on the ground and a icicle flies at Lilith which she narrowly avoids.

Eda launches herself towards Lilith and swings at her with her staff which Lilith blocks with her own.

I rush to Willows side and help her to her feet. "We need to find Amity!" I yell.

"If Lilith is here to arrest me she must've been tipped off by someone." Nick yells. "The emperor shouldn't know I'm here so it must've been the blights so I'd guess Lilith is a distraction so they could take Amity back to the manor."

"Well then we need to go get her." I say. Suddenly we hear Eda groan in pain and we rush outside to see her desperately evading Lilith onslaught of attacks but getting hit by a few.

"Eda can't keep fighting." Willow says. "She's already drained from her earlier fight and the spells we put on Nick, we have to help her."

Nick draws a spell circle and 2 clones appear by his side as eda backflips away from Lilith and lands by our side. "Only 2 I wanted to summon a dozen." Nick complains.

"Oh sorry about that." Eda says "we also put a magic dampener on you."

Nick rolls his eyes "of course you did." We all dodge out of the way of a lightning attack from Lilith. "How long will it last?"

"About 8 more minutes." Eda responds.

"So in other words I just have to last 8 minutes on the back foot." Nick says to himself. Nicks clones rush in at Lilith who destroys them easily.

"What're you planning?" I ask Nick.

"All right everyone listen up." He yells at us. "You 4 go find Amity and get her back before her parents get to her, I'll stay back and hold off Lilith."

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now