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Amity POV

I rushed back down the mountain and ran back home. "Why did you do that?" My mind yells at me "you just ruined everything" "how could you possibly go back to being friends after something like that?"
Before I knew it I was back home, I knew mum and dad where our tonight so it was Ed who greeted me at the door
"Hey mittens" he said with enthusiasm in his voice "how'd your date go?"
With that I fell to my knees and burst out crying. Ed's face washed over with concern as he dropped down to comfort me. Em rushed in the room at the sound of me crying
"What did you do?" She growls at Ed
"Nothing" he says defensively "i just asked how it went with Luz
Em pushes Ed out the way "come here mittens, shhh it's okay calm down just tell us what happened"
Tears stop pouring out of me as I steady my breathing and shakily get to my feet "I ruined everything" I say defeatedly
Ed and Em glance at each other "let's get you a drink Em says as Ed rushes off to get me some water. Em leads me to the couch as Ed returns, I take a sip as I recount what happened to my siblings

"Ouch" Ed says bluntly "I'm sorry mittens we really thought Luz felt the same way"
"Well you were clearly wrong" I yell at him as tears begin to reform in my eyes. He's initially taken aback but quickly his face returns to that of sympathy.
"Well she said you could still be friends" Em says in a feeble attempt to cheer me up
"Yeah right" I scoff "as if we could ever go back to how things were" I wipe the tears from my eyes "whenever we talk or hangout there will always be an awkwardness as she knows how I feel about her. It would've been better if I had never said anything at all"
"Mittens don't say that" Em says as she places a reassuring hand on my shoulder "you had to tell her how you feel you had to know or you'd carry that question to your grave"
"I'm going to bed" I state as I get up to leave ignoring the concerned look of my siblings. I lay in my bed replaying the events of the kiss for what must've been hours before sleep eventually over takes me.

Time skip

The next few days of school were torture. For the most part I kept to myself but I couldn't ignore the growing whispers and giggles that surrounded me wherever I went. "How could they know?" I ask myself "did Luz spread it around?, she wouldn't, would she?" As I walk consumed in my thoughts I didn't notice Boscha approach me
"Amity!" The sudden sound of her voice snaps me out of my trance. I look at her quickly "what is it?" I ask her
"Is it true?" She asks skeptically "you tried to kiss the human?"
Dread fills my body "who told you?" I ask frantically
"So it is true then" she mocks
"Just answer me" I yell awarding me a few looks from students
She shrugs "I heard it from a class mate who heard it from someone else, practically all of hexide knows"
I take a shaky step back "I gotta go" as I rush off, I need answers, who spread this around, was it Ed and Em or Luz?.

I quickly find my siblings and approach them furiously "really you decide to make me the laughing stock for the whole school?" I yell at them.
They're both taken aback "what do you mean mittens" Ed asks
"Don't bullsh*t me" I shout with tears forming in my eyes "you told everyone what happened between me and Luz" tears begin to stream down my face as looks of shocked concerns spread across their faces.
"Mittens we promise we didn't tell a soul what happened" Em says. They're telling the truth, I can see it in their eyes.
"But if not you then-" I cut myself off, not wanting to accept the truth. Luz the girl of my dreams decided to tell the school about something she knew would be incredibly embarrassing to me.
"I have to find Luz" I state as I rush off to find her.

It doesn't take long to locate Luz, I find her with Gus and Willow hanging out in a corner of the cafeteria as to be expected.  I storm over there as willow spots me and nudges Luz and Gus to notify them I was approaching.
"Amity, hey" Luz says with her same optimistic tone.
"Hey?" I say in disbelief "you tell everyone about a private moment which acts as one of my most embarrassing moments and all you have to say for yourself is hey?" I notice my voice is getting louder but I don't care I want an explanation to why she would do this. I see the shock spread across her face.
"Amity what are you on about?" She asks, her voice sounds genuine like she truly doesn't know what I'm talking about. I notice Gus shift uncomfortably.
"Oh so I'm just to believe that the news about our..." I pause feeling the pain caused by remembering the moment of rejection "our kiss just spread all of its own accord am I" tears sting my eyes.
Worry is evident in Luz's eyes "amity I only told Willow and Gus"
"I'm so sorry Amity" Gus says sheepishly "I don't mean for to to spread around the school".
I turn my attention to the small brown boy, a glare of hatred piercing from my eyes into his "you did this" I say gesturing to the horde of giggling students that had gathered around us. "Why?"
"I never meant to" Gus says defensively "it just slipped out.
"Slipped out" I repeat with a false laugh "the most private and embarrassing moment of my life just slipped out"
"Who did you tell Gus?" Willow asks, her voice filled with its usual care and compassion.
"I was arguing with Mattholomule" Gus begins "he was insulting you guys one by one and when he got to Amity he called you a slut. I tried to defend you but he continued and says you'd probably just get with anyone you can and I accidentally said about how you had only ever kissed Luz." He finishes the story and apologises over and over.
"Brilliant" I say with a fake joking demeanour "just great. Well I hope you won your argument Gus because my life is officially ruined" I yell through sobs.
"Come on Amity it's okay" Luz tries to reassure me "these guys will get bored and forget about this soon enough, they always do."
I scoff "you don't get it Luz" I say "Boscha knows meaning probably by tonight her parents will know, meaning by tomorrow my parents will know" a shiver runs down my spine as I picture what they will do to me when they find out. "I'm supposed to be their star child Luz" I yell through the tears "I'm supposed to be "little miss perfect" you saw what happened when they found out Willow wasn't as good a witch as me, how do you think they'll react to finding out their perfect daughter is "one of those gay freaks" as they put it?"
Luz looks at me with sadness and shock blending together in her face
"Get a good look Luz" I say "this might be the last time you ever talk to me again" I walk away ignoring Luz crying out my name as more tears escape my eyes.

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now