A new guest in the boiling isles

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Trigger warning this chapter contains mentions of depression, trauma and self harm. Reader discretion is advised.

Amity POV
The darkness was suffocating. The demonic symbol burning red was the only light. The book felt heavy in my hands, it's symbol mesmerising. Dread filled me as I stared into the symbol but I couldn't bring myself to look away. I tried to move, to put the book down but I couldn't, I was being drawn to it, to the knowledge it contained I just need to..."

"Amity!" I was shaken awake by Zoe. I sat up abruptly looking around. I had fallen asleep in class, I never fall asleep in class.
"You catching some beauty sleep?" She jokes.
"Please I don't need anymore of that." I joke back.
"You're right about that." She says lovingly. We stare into each other's eyes for a moment and I feel myself grow red.
"A-anyway this was the last class for the day right?"
"Yeah it was" she looks away a little disappointed. " should we head back to the owl house?" She asks.
"Yeah sure."

We walk out of hexside and immediately Luz runs up to us "what took you guys so long?" Luz asks, her voice filled with concern.
Before I can answer Zoe buts in "this one was catching some Zs in class" she teases.
Ed and Em give an exaggerated gasp as they appear behind us "Amity Blight" Ed begins
"Sleeping in class?" Em continues.
"Never thought we'd live to see the day."
"If you don't shut it you won't live past today." I joke back.
"Oooh how ferocious" Zoe teases.
"Guys are you ever gonna stop joking around so we can get going." Willow scolds.
"Ugh sorry mom" Luz jokes and we all start laughing.

"Well well well what's gotten the loser squad so giggly" I hear the familiar mocking voice of my old 'friend'. I roll my eyes as I turn my attention to the source of the comment.
"Boscha" I begin "what brings you here."
"Oh don't worry just here to relay a message from your parents."
A shiver runs down my spine but Luz grabs my hand and that makes me calm down a little.
"They said they hope 'studying' is going well and are impressed that you've had the dedication to take such and action yourself. Take as long as you need before returning home, there's no rush."
I stand there shocked.
"Anyway I'm leaving I feel myself getting lamer every second I'm around you." And with that Boscha turns around and walks away.

"Well that was" Gus begins "weird" willow finishes.
"Mum and dad are never that okay with me being out for so long." I say "they're up to something I can feel it." My mind falls on an image of the demonic symbol on the book. Could it have something to do with that? Before I can think on it any further Luz's voice snaps me back to reality.
"Well I say it's a good thing. It means you can stay at the owl house for as long as we want."
"Yeah don't look into it too much we can worry about what's up with your parents some other time." Zoe adds.
I nod my head "so how come you were all gathered out here anyway?" I ask.
"I dunno" Luz admits "eda told me to round everyone up and wait here for something."
"What's the something in question?" Gus asks.
"That would be me." I hear a familiar voice behind us that I don't immediately recognise.
We all turn to see a man, about 5'8, hair as white as snow, short and spiky and shaved at the sides. He had a 5 o'clock shadow and was wearing a pair of black sunglasses. He had a dark leather jacket and some strange metallic rectangles hanging from a chain around his neck. "Nick Venat" he introduced himself giving an exaggerated bow "pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"Oh quit it" eda snorts walking up from behind him.
"Nick!" Ed and Em yell in unison as they run up to him "man it's been like 5 ever since you visited." Ed says.
"What can I say the human world keeps a witch busy." He explains.
"This is Nick?" Luz whispers to me.
"Indeed it is and who might you..." he pauses mid sentence and walks up to Luz studying her closely. "You're human." He says bluntly.
Luz looks at his ears which are round like hers "so are you?" She questions.
He looks confused for a moment before having a realisation "oh no" he chuckles "forgot to undo the spell." He draws a spell circle in the air and his ears return to their normal pointy selves.

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now