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I watched in disbelief as Amtiy sped out of the cafeteria. I felt a tight pain in my chest as I watch how my indecisiveness around my own damn feelings had caused my friend so much pain. "This is all my fault" I say, forgetting the two people present standing by my sides.
"It's not your fault" willow reassures me "you don't control how you feel anymore than Amity can"
"But look at what it's done to her" I say as tears start to form in my eyes.
"It'll take time but Amity's a tough cookie" Gus says reassuringly "she'll pull through"
Despite my friends help all I can think about is how this has hurt her, then I remember something she said and my eyes widen with realisation. I turn to willow "willow how much do you know about Amity's parents?"
She just stares at me, clearly taken aback by my sudden question
"I- I dunno, not a lot, we figured out from the memories that they're the reason Amity stopped being my friend but other than that not a lot"
"Why?" Gus asks curiously "should we be concerned about them?"
"I dunno" I say "at least, I don't know yet."

Amity POV

I speed walk away from the cafeteria with tears streaming down my face "great" I think to myself "that damn Gus just couldn't keep his mouth shut" I realise it's probably not to fair to blame him as he was trying to defend me but it doesn't help the sinking feeling in my stomach.
As I put my things in my locker I hear an unfamiliar voice behind me
"Are you okay?" They ask
I turn to face them wiping the tears form my eyes "yeah I'm just fine" I lie
They give me a skeptical look "okay if you say so."
"A-are you new here?" I ask
"no I'm in the same class as you, I sit in front of you, you seriously never noticed me "she says with a serious tone.
I feel my self grow incredibly embarrassed as I stutter out a desperate apology to which she bursts out laughing.
"I'm kidding" she laughs wiping tears from her eyes "I'm new here but you're totally gullible."
I let out a sigh of a relief then turn to her with a fake annoyed expression "that was cruel" I state as she just looks at me
"Sorry but you looked like you needed cheering up".
"I'm Zoe" she says Introducing herself.
I get a better look at her. She has bright blue hair with dark green eyes, I notice the traces of magenta on her uniform indicating she had taken the abomination track.
"And you are?..." she asks
I realise I've been staring and feel a blush rapidly spreading across my face. "Amity" I yell quickly embarrassing myself further "my name is Amity" I repeat more calmly this time.
She giggles at my awkwardness which makes my heart skip a beat as my face goes even redder than before.
"Well Amity" she says in a slightly flirty tone "would you mind showing the new girl around" she sends a wink my way which makes me desperately try and hide my blush.
"S-sure" I stutter before noticing some girls gossiping in the hallway "although" I say in a more serious tone "if you wanna make a good impression on people here you might wanna find someone else to talk to."
She looks at me with a mix of questioning and concern on her face as I notice properly how beautiful her eyes are.
"And why should I do that" she questions
I fiddle with my hands "I'm no not too popular at the moment" I confess
She gives me a sympathetic look "I don't care what other people think about you" she says as she gives a reassuring smile "I want to make a good first impression on you, not everyone else" she says as she grabs my hand causing me to blush again "now start showing me around this place" she commands.
I comply and start leading her to the classes as I notice a figure disappear round the corner that I thought I recognised.


I quickly hid back round the corner as I saw Amity glance my way "who was that she was talking to?" I ask myself. I'd never seen them before, they were cute but I felt some weird resentment towards them for no reason. Seeing her talk to Amity and making her smile made my heart ache in a way I didn't fully understand. I pushed these thoughts out of my mind and shake my head. The bell will ring soon so I head to class.

Time skip

I had been totally unable to focus in class, my thoughts had been consumed by Amity. I didn't like seeing her with the new girl which is absurd because she looked to be making Amity happy and I of course I want her to be happy. "But you want to be the one to make her happy" a voice in my mind told me "you're jealous" it said. I let out a large sigh, as frustrating as it was I think it's right, I'm jealous, but I don't have any right to be I mean I rejected her, I broke her heart and here I am jealous that she's spending time with someone else.

I hear my name being called by the teacher "Ms Noceda!" They stated loudly.
I snap back to reality and stare right at the teacher "sorry sir"
"Could you please try and focus" they let out a sigh and I do my best to focus for the rest of the lessons.

I after school I look around for Amity and spot her saying goodbye to the same new girl she was with earlier. I felt that same annoying feeling in my stomach but I push it down and run up to her.
"Amity" I call out to her and she turns around clearly surprised by my sudden appearance.
"Oh hi Luz" she responded. "What can I do for you?"
I wanted to ask about the new girl, but first things first, "Amity I just wanna make it clear to you how sorry I am that the news about us spread around and I never should've told Gus and Willow I should've kept it secret."
Her face drops to one sadness and I feel a sinking feeling in my stomach. "What's done is done" she says which doesn't make me feel any better. "Can we just not talk about it anymore?" She suggests.
I nod my head. "So who's your new friend?"
I ask curiously
She looks at me surprised "you mean Zoe?"
"Yeah, I've never seen her around before" I state bluntly.
"That'll be cause she's new here" Amity responds. "I was just showing her around. I really should be going" Amity says Turing towards her home.
"I'll talk to you tomorrow" I quickly say to her.
She turns and smiles at me which makes me blush a little "has she always been this cute?" I ask myself.

Amity POV

As I walks home I recount the day I just had. Finding the exact words to describe it felt difficult, it was a rollercoaster from start to finish. It had started off awfully with me officially ruining any chance that I would ever be with Luz by berating her and her friends right there in the cafeteria but then I met Zoe. There was something about her that made my stomach churn but in a good way, it was similar to how I felt when I first realised my feelings for Luz but not quite as intense. I'm not oblivious to other's feelings about me Like Luz is, I could tell Zoe bad a bit of a crush on me right away but after what happened with Luz I am in no state to start a relationship. One I still have feelings for Luz, two I don't even know how I feel about Zoe and three I don't want Zoe just to be a rebound after my rejection from Luz, that wouldn't be fair to me or Zoe.

A I pondered these mixed bag of emotions I realised that I was pretty much home. I felt a sudden unease wash over me that made me want to run away and hide. I pushed this feeling down and approached the door, unaware of the savage beating that awaited me on the other side.

Time enough for love  (lumity AU) Where stories live. Discover now