One of these nights ° Jungri

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"Where do you see yourself in the future?" The two never lose eye contact with the sky above, afraid that once they turn to look at each other, they'll be met with nothing.

"With you." Yerim lets out a small giggle.

"Let's hope it comes true, we never know what the future holds."

"That's what scares me the most." Yerim can hear Jungkook moving around, possibly finding a comfortable position.

"Why does it scare you?"

"A future, actually a life without you is like living without a purpose." Yerim smiles, the two never taking their eyes off of the night sky.

"What is the purpose of life?"

"I don't know..." Jungkook sighs and counts the stars in the sky whilst thinking hard about Yerim's question.

"Maybe to the find the purpose of life, we have to give life a purpose first."

"What do you mean?"

"Life has no purpose until you give it one."

"Does your life have a purpose?"

"Yes." Yerim could hear Jungkook's smile through his words. It must've been a big smile as she felt as if it could turn the night sky to daytime.

"Mine does too." The two had no doubts that their purpose in life was each other.

"One day we'll meet, then that's when we'll really start living life." Yerim didn't reply, but Jungkook didn't need to worry because they'll see each other soon.

"Once we meet, i'll never leave your side and you'll never leave mine. Right, Yerim?" Silence was normal, but it also hurt.

"Right..." Jungkook turns his head and looks to his side but is met with nothing, this was normal. "Yerim?"

Soulmates, is what you'd call it. The two haven't met as one lives in the human world and the other lives in another dimension. Dreaming is their only form of communication, however it comes with cons. If you acknowledge the other being, by staring at them, glancing at them or touching them, the two would immediately wake up. The dream would also end if one of the two end up waking up, Yerim having woken up when Jungkook was talking. It's painful, but to Jungkook it's worth it.

"One day we'll meet." Jungkook says as he looks up at the night sky, still dreaming.

"I'll make sure of it."

This is...different, not sure how I feel about it.

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