The boy is mine ° Jungri

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Yerim was bored. Very bored, and she has nothing to entertain her. Youtube was boring, instagram was boring, even tik tok was boring. She misses her boyfriend, and so she decided to visit him.

Kim Yerim, the ceo of the Kim company. When she was first handed the position by her father, her biggest rival was the Jeon company, who had also appointed a new ceo, Jeon Jungkook. Naturally, the two disliked each other, but somewhere along the months of knowing each other, they ended up catching feelings.

Yerim being the more confident one at the time, confessed as soon as she realised her feelings. Jungkook was flustered at this, but admitted to liking her as well, leading to the start of their relationship. Although Yerim seemed to be the one "wearing the pants" in the relationship at the start, the role slowly changed to Jungkook when he started to become more comfortable with their relationship, publicly.

As soon as the two were intimate with each other, the shy Jungkook was replaced with the confident, cocky Jungkook. There was never a day where Jungkook doesn't tease Yerim. However, today was the day that Yerim gets her revenge. She is going to take her role back and she's gonna show him who's boss.

And with that, Yerim leaves her building, informing her secretary that she's going to be gone for a while, and makes her way to his building, which was actually not that far.

Entering, Yerim is welcomed by employees respectfully acknowledging her with a bow. The workers at the front desk obviously knew who she was and let her walk through. When she enters the elevator, she presses the level of Jungkook's office and also the button to close the door. However, someone decided to stick their hand through just as the doors were closing.

"I said to hold it." Yerim looks at the girl and shrugs.

"I didn't hear you." The girl rolls her eyes and goes to press the button, but see's that Yerim has already pressed it.

"You're going to see Jungkook?"

"Jungkook?" Yerim eyes the girl, who seems to be an employee.

"Yes, Jungkook, the ceo of this company? You're going to see him?"

"It's not any of your business to know that, and what would your boss think of you calling him by his first name and not referring to him as sir, boss or mr. Jeon?"

"Jungkook, has given me permission to call him by his first name."

"Has he interesting." Yerim knew that wasn't true, Jungkook hated an employee that called him by his first name, especially someone that he does not know. It doesn't matter how close the employee may be, when at work, you call him Mr. Jeon, sir or boss.

Of course, Yerim was the only one to call him that because she's Yerim, she called him by his first name as soon as they met and never stopped, even when he told her not to. Eventually, he ended up calling her by her first name as well, but now he calls her "Yerimie" sometimes even "flower", but Yerim hates that one, that doesn't stop him from saying it though.

"Jungkook gave me permission as soon as he hired me, I think he may have fallen in love as soon as he saw me."

"And when were you hired?"

"2 weeks ago."

"How sad." Yerim knew that as soon as Jungkook heard this girl calling him by his first name, she would be fired.

The girl had no time to reply as they had made it to his floor. Yerim watched as the girl confidently walked to the desk in front of Jungkook's office. The girl obviously was trying to look through the windows of Jungkook's office to see him, but he had closed it off with blinds. Watching the girl frown, Yerim tries to hide her laugh and walks past the girl.

"Um, excuse me? Did you make an appointment, if not then you need to make one."

"I don't need one." Yerim ignores the girl calling for her and continues on to open the door to Jungkook's office but is stopped by the girl, who is now gripping her a bit too tightly.

"I said that you need an appointment, Jungkook is a very busy man and does not have time for try hards."

Oh how pathetic this girl looks, there was definitely no doubt that she was a new employee.

"And I said that I don't need one." Roughly taking the girls hand off of her, Yerim opens the door.

"Who the he— Yerimie?" Yerim smiles at Jungkook and makes her way towards him but is once again stopped by the girl.

"I'm sorry Jungkook, this lady came in without permission, I tried to stop her—"

"Jungkook?" Yerim wished she had popcorn right now, this wasn't the first time that this has happened, but it was always so entertaining. Finally, she was no longer bored.

"Get out." The girl glares at Yerim and crosses her arms.

"You heard him, get out."

"Not her, you, you get out, whatever your name is."

"What, but, why?"

"Yerimie come here." Yerim happily goes towards Jungkook, who grabs her by her waist and places her down on his lap. Pecking her lips, with a smile.

"What's wrong? Are you bored again?"

"Excuse me, Jungkook, what is this?"

"You're fired."

"I don't—"

"He said you're fired, pack whatever you have and leave."

"You can't tell me what to do."

"Yes she can, as my wife, she is automatically the boss of this company as well. Anything I own, she owns."

"Wife?" Yerim nods and shows her ring finger.

The two got married a month ago, their honeymoon was postponed as they wanted to focus on merging their companies first, which is why their employees knew each other. In a few days, the Kim and Jeon company would be merged and renamed to the Kion company. The best thing about it, was that both Yerim and Jungkook were the boss.

"But I don-"

Yerim rolls her eyes and kisses Jungkook right in front of the girl. Good thing the two remembered her being there, otherwise it would have ended in another intimate session in the office.

"What? Do you want to watch or something? Leave, you're fired."

The girl stomps and storms out of the office. Jungkook raises the blinds using the remote and the two watch as the girl packs her things. Before entering the elevator, she looks back at the window and looks at the couple. Yerim waves with a smile causing the girl to angrily walk into the elevator.

"That was funny, I love coming to your building. It's so entertaining."

"It's alright, I find something else more entertaining." Yerim fells him tighten his hold around her and rolls her eyes.

"Just a few more days."

"I can't take it anymore." Jungkook whines in which Yerim ignores.

"Don't you want more entertainment, Yerimie?"

"Nope." Yerim jumps off his lap when she felt his hold loosen and runs towards his door.

Jungkook laughs and chases her. The two were children at heart, not caring about what anyone would say. Love just does that.

I hate my endings and I don't really like this one, also, just wondering, for Americans, the way that your high school is portrayed in films, shows and wattpad stories, is that actually how your high school in reality is like? With the groups like jocks (?), nerds, popular mean girl/s, etc. Do the popular mean girl/s, if they are actually a thing, actually act exactly the way that films and wattpad stories show, or is that just made up. I'm just curious cause every time I read a wattpad story based in (American) high school, the way they act really bothers me.

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