Lie ° Seulmin

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Just a little warning, this is an angst and it is a bit R18+. So don't read if this isn't what you enjoy reading.

"Baby!" Jimin sighed as he watched his so called girlfriend run towards him. Just as she's about to hug him, Jimin harshly pushes her away.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands." She looks at him with teary eyes which he ignores.

"But I can't help it, I love you."

"No, you love my money and stop acting like we're in a relationship." Picking up his desk phone, Jimin dials for his secretary.

"But-" The girl is interrupted by the sound of the office doors opening.

"Ms. Jung, escort this girl out please and make sure she actually leaves the premises."

"Yes, Mr. Park." With a bow, Ms. Jung attempts to take the girl out of the office, but is annoyed when she runs back to Jimin and kneels down.

The girl innocently looks up at Jimin and places her hand on his thigh. When seeing this, Ms. Jung calls for security and makes her way towards the still kneeling girl.

"Please, whatever has angered you, let it out on me." Sighing at her words, Jimin grabs her hand and stands up.

Ms. Jung stops and stares at the two as the girl smiles thinking she had won him over. That smile soon disappears when he drags her towards the door and throws her to the security guards who had just arrived.

"Make sure she leaves and remember her face because she is now banned from ever entering my building." The guards grab the now screaming girl and drags her away.

"That damn girl needs to grow up and stop obsessing over me." Jimin says as he massages his head and walks back into his office.

"Make sure I never see her face or hear her voice every again. I don't care how you do it." Ms. Jung nods and mentally makes a note of it.

Before leaving, Ms. Jung turns and looks at her boss who looks as if he's about to cry at any moment.

"Mr. Park." Hearing him mumble a yes, she continues. "Is everything alright? I've noticed that you've become a bit more quiet and you look different than usual."

It was true, Jimin hadn't styled his hair as he usually did and instead he left it down without doing anything to it since he woke up. He didn't even bother wearing a tie and even forget to bring his blazer. He always cared about his looks and seeing him like this was new.

"I'm fine, close the door when you leave." Reluctantly, Ms. Jung leaves and closes the door as commanded.

Once he knows that she has left, Jimin places his head down and starts to let out his tears. He's been holding it in for a few days now and now that someone had noticed his change, he didn't have enough strength to hold it in anymore.

Seulgi. Kang Seulgi. His girlfriend, well his ex now, left him because of a mistake he did. When he first confessed to her, she didn't believe him because he was at a much higher status than him, but he made sure to prove to her that their difference in status didn't matter. They were together for over a year till she found him in his office with his d!ck in another girls mouth.

He still remembers how she looked at him with tears in her eyes as she watched the love of her life moan for someone that wasn't her. He remembers pushing the girl away and quickly zipping up his pants. The girl stayed kneeling as she watched Jimin look at his girlfriend with guilt.

"Seulgi, baby I-"

"We're over." Jimin starts to cry as he slowly makes his way towards Seulgi who moved back causing him to stop.

"I can't believe you spent a year showing me how much you loved me and I can't believe I wasted a year believing that you did." Jimin cries shaking his head as he attempts to move closer to her.

"After showering me with the love I thought you had for me, you repay me like this? Don't contact me, don't look for me, don't ask around for me. Just, leave me alone." And with that, Seulgi left a broken Jimin behind.

Since then he kicked the girl out and it wasn't until today that she decided to show up again. The girl was someone his father tried to set him up with, he had never even looked her way. But when she entered his office that day, he was feeling stressful and she offered to help him, he didn't expect her to kneel down and pull down his pants, but he didn't push her off either and instead held her head and guided her. He knew it was wrong, but it felt so good to him that he couldn't help but push her further down.

That was the only time he had let her touch him, and he regrets it so much. He really did love Seulgi, but if he knew what he was doing was wrong, then why didn't he stop? That's something he'd ask himself everyday. If he truly loved Seulgi like he said he did, then would he have let that girl touch him in such an intimate way? And if Seulgi didn't walk in, would they have taken it further?

Jimin wipes his tears as he looks at the photo of Seulgi on his desk. Slowly, he grabs it and looks at it a final time before placing it in his drawer.

No, he didn't love her. He was infatuated with her. Maybe he could have grown to love her, but that chance was gone the minute he let another girl touch him.

If he had stayed loyal and ignored his temptations, him and Seulgi would have been madly in love right now, but sometimes people come into your life only to teach you a lesson. He has learnt his lesson, and now he's facing the consequences.

For some reason, Seulmin is the ship I struggle to write about the most and I don't know why. I usually don't write angst, I don't even like reading angst myself, but for some reason I felt like writing one. Don't worry though, this will be the last time I write an angst.

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