Royalty ° Wenga

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Flowers bloom as a certain queen passes by. Faires of different seasons, bow to her with a smile.

"Morning everyone. Such a warm day isn't it?" Multiple replies of agreement can be heard as the queen smiles and carries on, but not before a certain fairy stands in her way panting.

"Yeri, I see you've finally stopped wasting fairy dust and decided to use those legs of yours." She says smiling as she pats the younger's head.

"Jokes on you, I was actually on my way to waste some more." Yeri stands up straight, finally having caught her breath, before continuing.

"But that's not why I stopped you. The winter fairies are coming today and I just came to warn you about a certain fairy going to another certain fairy, who's from a certain kingdom and that they are planning to do a certain some-"

"Yeri, you're rambling again." Wendy says laughing.

"Right, sorry. I just wanted to tell you incase the incident from last year repeats." Wendy smiles and nods her head.

"Well, thank you for that Yeri." Yeri smiles and bows. As she turns around to leave, she bumps into a certain fairy who flashes a bunny like smile at her before hugging her.

"Hey, Jungkook." Catching the attention of the boy, he smiles.

"Hey, Wendy. Just gonna take this one on a date." Smiling, he lifts Yeri in his arms, knowing that she had once again ran out of fairy dust, and flys away.

Wendy smiles at the couple. Suddenly remembering what Yeri had said about the winter fairies, her smile fades. It's been years since that day, and today was the day she was going to have to face what she's been avoiding all these years.


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