The duke and I ° Vrene

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"Joohyun!" The said girl turns her head towards Areum and sends her a smile.

"You look beautiful, as always." Joohyun knew Areum's words were empty, she didn't mean anything she had said.

"Thank you, Areum." Joohyun replies before turning back to face the crowd of singles waltzing with one another, hoping to find the perfect partner.

"You could have chosen anyone, you have gentlemen lined up to pay you tribute and yet you chose to steal my chance of happiness."

Joohyun did nothing but sigh, it was no use of replying to someone who thought highly of herself.

"I never thought I would ever see you as my enemy, but that has obviously changed." Joohyun was not about to stand and listen to Areum complain any longer.

"The man made his choice, Areum." Joohyun replies before noticing the prince smiling at her.

"If you'll excuse me." Joohyun heads towards the waiting prince, not bothering to look behind her as she could already imagine the rage on Areum's face.

"Miss Bae, you look absolutely exquisite, as always. Would you do me the honours of being your first dance tonight?"

"Of course, your highness." It wasn't long after that Areum walks by, sending a glare to Joohyun before masking it with a smile.

Dancing with the prince, how beautiful is that. It was everything that Joohyun could have wished for, a man that could care for her, raise a family with her, marry her and yet she does not feel the happiness nor the love that she longed for. Except, she felt it from someone else.

The duke had told her that he would be leaving and will not be attending the party, and yet with one turn from the prince, her eyes landed right on the duke. She didn't know what she felt, all she knew was that she felt things the prince couldn't make her feel.

"Miss Bae, I have a question to ask." Turning her attention back to the prince, Joohyun knew what he was going to ask and she knew that with a certain duke filling up her mind, she knew what to answer with, but now was not the time.

"I'm sorry, I need a moment, to refresh myself, your highness." Rushing out of the room, Joohyun makes her way outside, out of everyones curious eyes and takes off the necklace gifted to her by the prince. It felt suffocating, despite how loose it was on her, it just didn't feel right.

She was meant to be happy, the duke and her had a deal and they dealt with it, but why is she not happy. The duke was merely someone who was meant to make her more desirable for suitors, which was a success, and yet her heart and mind wavered for someone that was not on her list.

"Miss Bae." Letting out a small gasp, Joohyun turns around to find the man that was responsible for this.

"What are you doing? I thought you were leaving Seoul."

"I am, I came to say goodbye."

"To whom?

"To you."

"Your goodbye is completely unnecessary, after all, you did say that we are not friends, never were, never will be."

"And I apologise for that."

"Please, do not give me your empty apologises, i've had quite enough with your nonsense."

"I am sorry." Taehyung was being sincere, extremely sincere.

"I am marrying the prince. I shall be very happy."

"Will you be? Happy?" Taehyung knew she wasn't happy, her happiness was not the prince, but the man in front of her.

"Why would I not be? Prince Seojun is kind...and adoring, and he knows what he wants. He is a good man and would be a wonderful father."

"And so you truly believe that he is the best man for you?"

"I do not have to explain myself to you. I do not owe you anything. He is perfect for me, I am going to be a princess."

He found it cute. How she stomped her feet after saying she was going to be a princess. It's something a bunny does when they are angry, Taehyung found that Joohyun does it as well and gave her the nickname 'bunny'. However, he isn't sure if he could call her that anymore.

"Are you going to say anything?" If he's being honest, he doesn't know what to say, so he kept silent.

"Well then leave." Seeing as Taehyung made no move to leave, Joohyun sighs.

"Very well then." Turning around, Joohyun angrily walks away, into the garden.

"Miss Bae..." Taehyung called, hoping she would turn back around.

"Miss Bae..." Joohyun kept walking, and showed no sign of coming back.

"Miss Bae!" Giving up, Taehyung hurriedly rushes towards Joohyun in worry. The garden was not a place to play around in. It was dark, and was basically a maze. He could not live with her being hurt.

"Come back to the party!"

"And stop walking!"

"Stop following me."

"The garden is not safe at night! I forbid you to go any further."

"You cannot tell me what to do."

"Joohyun...listen to me." Grabbing her arm, Taehyung turns her around to face him.

It was just like that, that their anger vanished. It had been a while since they had seen each other up close. They didn't know how much they missed it till now. Taking deep breaths, the two stare at each other for what was a millisecond for them but hours for bystanders.

Taehyung couldn't help it, pulling her in by her waist, he hastily places his lips on her. Joohyun moves at the same speed but stops.

"I'm sorry..." Joohyun knew his apology wasn't just for the kiss, but for everything that he had put her through. The pain she felt when he left her, but she knew he left because he wanted her to have the best, the prince, but he failed to realise that her best was- is him.

Taehyung couldn't help but want to be selfish, he wanted to take her away from the prince that he pushed her towards, but she was right. Unlike him, the prince knew what he wanted, but that was before. If the prince knew what he wanted, then the prince was no different from the duke. He wanted- needed Joohyun.

"I'm sorry, I truly am. I'm sorry for leaving you, for thinking that the best man for you was the prince. I just wanted you to be happy."

"My happiness is you, Taehyung. It always was."

"Then may I be selfish, and steal you from the prince." Joohyun places the palm of her hand on his cheek, and gently caresses' it.

"You cannot steal what you already have." Taehyung leans into her hand and smiles.

"Marry me, please. Make me your husband."

"How could I ever say no."

"So, yes?"

"Yes." Taehyung pulled her in once more, placing one hand on her waist and the other on her cheek.

A ring, is what others would have wanted and Taehyung would definitely get Joohyun a ring, which he had already prepared and placed safely in his desk, kept there for months, but for now, a ring was not important.

What was important, was the happiness they brought each other. The feeling that Joohyun longed for, the feeling that only Taehyung made her feel, was finally permanent.

I suck at endings, also, this is based off of a netflix show i'm watching called "Bridgerton", it's slowly becoming one of my favourites and I barely watch any western shows. And also, just a reminder, I am doing all requests, if I haven't done yours it is not because I am not doing it, but because my brain needs more brain cells to think of a way to write it without it sounding rushed or boring.

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