Milky Way ° Wenga

927 41 11

At the sound of the classroom door slamming shut, the students turn and watch as Professor Snape storms in.

"Turn to page 394." With no hesitations, all the students turn to the page, however there was one student that Professor Snape had noticed that was taking his time turning the pages.

Yoongi was thinking about Seungwan whilst turning the pages slowly when the pages were magically turned to page 394 so suddenly.

"Werewolves?" He heard Taehyung say confusingly.

"But sir, we've just began learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks."

"Quiet." Yoongi was thankful for Professor Snape for shutting her up, he was not in the mood for Gryffindors being smart right now. The only smart person he'd listen to is his girlfriend.

Seungwan had been away from Hogwarts for months, and it's obvious that he had been missing her, everyone could see that. He had tried to visit her every time he was free and would even skip classes to see her. She of course scolded him, but he didn't mind, as long as he was with her.

He was feeling impatient at this moment which is why he is so grumpy right now. Today is Seungwan's first day back at school since her injury, and of course the first and second class of the day just had to be classes where he didn't have her. He didn't get to see her at breakfast either since she had arrived to Hogwarts later than expected.

At this point, Yoongi did not care if he wasn't listening in class, all he wanted was to see Seungwan. He didn't get to visit her last week because he ended up being busy, so he's been deprived of her for far too long in his opinion. He needs to know that she made it safely and that she is okay.

When class was dismissed, he made his way to the great hall to meet up with his other friends. He had met one of Seungwans friends on the way and they had informed him that she was a bit busy and wasn't quite sure if she would be able to make it to , but she had told him not to worry and assured him that she would make sure she has eaten.

He didn't feel assured at all when hearing that, but forced himself to continue walking to the great hall. After a few minutes of sitting there, staring at his food and watching Jungkook and Yerim confess to each other. Yoongi had came to the conclusion that he was not hungry, it also didn't help that the new couple was also making out right in front of them.

"When are they going to stop? They're ruining my appetite with that disgusting noise." Yoongi rolls his eyes at Jimin.

"Don't act like you don't do that with your girlfriend as well Park." It was true, Jimin is deeply in love with Seulgi, a Hufflepuff.

Jimin may be a typical arrogant Slytherin, but he will always be soft for his girlfriend. They were even the first public couple where both of the partners came from different houses. Since then, a lot of couples have been formed where both of the individuals came from different houses.

"Now that you've mentioned my girlfriend, I need to go find her. My appetite will come back once I know that she's eating well."

Hearing Jimin say that, Yoongi also now feels the need to look for his girlfriend. Standing up, Yoongi decides to also look for his girlfriend.

Walking out of the great hall, he searches for at least one of Seungwans close friends to figure out where she is at the moment. He knows that he could've asked Joohyun or Yerim, but Yerim was busy making out with her boyfriend and Joohyun was busy trying to stop Taehyung from pouting at her.

Spotting Sooyoung, he quickly walks towards her and taps on her shoulder.

"Park number 2, where's my Seungwan?"

"She's at the hospital wing getting her last minute check ups." Sooyoung usually would've asked him to ask her nicely, but she knew he was desperate to find Seungwan and so she decided not to and instead answer straight away.


Rushing towards the hospital wing, Yoongi walks in and notices Madam Kwon and Seungwan talking. The two turn at the sound of his footsteps and smile at him.

Yoongi keeps his eyes on Seungwan as he double checks her to make she's fine.

Madam Kwon smiles at him as she ushers him to sit next to Seungwan.

"She's fine Mr. Min, only needs to make sure she doesn't do anything that'll require her to move a lot." With a smile, Madam Kwon decides to leave the two be as she knows how much they've missed each other.

Once Madam Kwon left, Yoongi lifts Seungwan up and places her on his lap. This was something he'd always done whenever he visited her, it comforted him to know that she was safe in his arms. She has grown use to it as well, but did not expect him to do it at a place where anyone can walk in.

"Yoongi!" Looking at her, Yoongi smiles brightly which Seungwan returns.

"I've missed you so much, did you eat? If you didn't I can get you a meal, a feast even. If you aren't satisfied, I can get you a whole restaurant-"

"Madam Kwon already fed me Yoongi, don't worry." Seungwan says as she places her hand on his cheek, caressing it gently.

Yoongi leans into her touch, closing his eyes and smiling. Her touches were heavenly, so heavenly that he didn't need to wonder if angels were real because he has one in his arms, touching him.

"I love you so much." Seungwan pecks his lips in which Yoongi decides to make more passionate.

Pulling away, Yoongi cups her cheek and gently rubs it with his thumb.

"I love you too, and if you ever get hurt again, I won't hesitate to hex whoever harmed you till they can't feel anymore."

When Yoongi found out that someone had purposely injured Seungwan, he had immediately went to search for them but Seungwan had stopped him from doing so. Despite wanting to hex the person so desperately, he knew that Seungwan needed him more and so he stayed with her.

But that didn't mean he couldn't get revenge for her. Yoongi called his father, who is a well known person in the ministry and had told him what had happened. The father of the person who hurt Seungwan apparently worked under his father. Yoongi's father took it upon himself to inform the father of his daughters action causing the father to pull the daughter out of Hogwarts and send her to Ilvermorny where she now stays with her mother.

"Is you say so." Leaning her head against his chest, Yoongi gently sways their bodies from left to right.

They both missed this, being in each others arms and enjoying each others presence. They've spent months of constantly trying to find time to be together and multiple days and (rarely) even weeks of being away from each other was pure torture for them.

"I won't ever let you get hurt again." He whispers to her as he continues to sway them both left and right.

Feeling her smile against his chest, Yoongi smiles and places a kiss on her head.


Wenga has a special place in my heart.

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