#Cookie Jar ° Wenga

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This was bad. Seungwan did not get any sleep last night as she was too busy making christmas cookies. She knew she should've gotten sleep, but she was so determined to make cookies that she lost track of time. In the end, she had made about 219, she wanted to make more, but it was already 6:30am and she didn't want Yoongi waking up worrying about whether she stayed up or not.

Yoongi has a meeting at 9:30am and he asked Seungwan if she could come along as well and of course she said yes. He'd usually never ask her this but ever since she injured herself when he was in a meeting, he has become more protective of her.

"Wan?" Seungwan hides her tired face with a smile and walks out the bathroom door to see Yoongi.

"You're up, did you eat?" Nodding his head, Yoongi pulls her in closer and rests his head on her shoulder.

"Where were you? I was waiting for her, but then I found your note that said you already ate."

"Yeah, I woke up a bit early to do some stuff."

"What stuff?"


Kissing her neck slightly, Yoongi pulls away and looks at Seungwan.

"You know, I smelt cookies when I walked into the kitchen. The smell was strong, so someone was definitely making cookies."

"Wow, that someone must really be an early bird, ha ha." Yoongi continues to stare at Seungwan, noticing how tired she is. He's not blind, he can cleary see how her eyes are barely open and she keeps bumping her head onto her chest.

"Did you stay up all night making those cookies, be honest."

"What, how did you know it was me?"

"Who else in this house would stay up making cookies."

"Okay fine, yes, I stayed up all night."

"Wan, I told you not to do that, the only time you stay up all night is when you're with me."

"I know, but I wanted to make cookies for your meeting." Yoongi smiles and kisses her nose.

"Thank you, i'll make sure to serve them to the guests. Now come, let's take you to bed."

"But you asked me to come-"

"I want you sleep baby, i'll try and make the meeting brief so that we can sleep together, okay?" Seeing Seungwan nod, Yoongi carries her to their bed. He had grabbed her sleepwear for her to change into, before tucking her in and gently kissing her lips.

"I'll be back." Nodding her head, Seungwan sends him a tiny wave and closes her eyes.


To be honest, Yoongi was not paying attention to whatever that man was saying. He forgot his name as well, all he cares about is getting the money and having dominance over the gang that belongs to whatever the mans name is.

"Are these cookies edible?" Yoongi turns his attention to one of the mans men, and nods his head.


"They don't really taste edible." Yoongi's men look at Yoongi nervously, they knew Seungwan baked them and they knew how much Yoongi loved her baking.

"They don't taste what." Placing his elbows on the table, Yoongi leans forward, running a finger across his lips.

"Edible. They taste a bit dry and burnt."

"Yeah, are you sure they aren't for decoration." Another one of the guys men says.

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