Thank You ° Jungri

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Requested - Jungri on Jungkook's birthday

It was the 1st of September, Jungkook's birthday. He had already had his day planned out. Spending the whole day with his friends and family and then spending the rest of the night with Yerim.

The two have been together since 2016. They've had a few arguments here and there, broke up a couple of times but the two could never stay away from each other for more than a week. Jungkook remembered when they broke up before BTS went on a world wide tour and immediately started missing her. He ended up crying after their first performance which caused the members to call Yerim. Jungkook apologised on call and the two haven't broken up again since then.

Today Yerim was taking him out to a restaurant that had a lot of privacy so they had no fear in getting caught. Of course, Jungkook being the cutest boyfriend he is, decided to buy Yerim a necklace that represented his birthstone to gift her. He knows that giving a gift on his birthday is a bit odd, but he really wanted to give something back to her because she has given so much to him.

It's around 6pm when Jungkook decided to pick up Yerim. He arrived at her dorm half an hour later and texted her to come down. When she arrives outside dressed in a white tube top and jeans, he couldn't help but stare. He should be used to her showing skin, but he can't help it. He goes crazy and it gets harder every time to control himself.

Shaking his head, Jungkook rushes out at opens the car door for her. Yerim smiles at him when she reaches his side and goes to sit down in the car when Jungkook suddenly grabs her waist with his left arm making her face him, with his right hand gently cupping the side of her face, Jungkook leans in and kisses her gently before pulling away.

"Hello baby." Yerim blushes and shyly pecks him on the lips before getting into the car. Yerim may seem like she would've been the confident one in the relationship, but when Jungkook decided to court her, she couldn't help but become this little shy girl whenever he's around her. But of course, there's still that savage Yerim which Jungkook loves dearly, actually, he loves of all Yerim.

Jungkook closes her door and makes his way to the drivers seat. Getting in, he notices that Yerim already put her seatbelt on and so he pops it out, causing it to go back to its original spot making Yerim look at him confused. He smiles and grabs it again, when his face is close to Yerim's, he gently kisses her on the lips again and locks the seatbelt in place. Smiling, he sits back in his seat and puts his seatbelt on.

Yerim looks at him in shock but smiles at him. They don't usually get a lot of time together, so they always make use of the time they get. It's not that odd for Jungkook to be kissing her a lot, but Yerim still can't help but be shocked every time he does kiss her. It feels like their first kiss every time and it just gives her the butterflies.

Jungkook starts the engine and drives off to the restaurant. Jungkook had gained a habit of putting his hand on her thigh whenever he drove, he liked squeezing it because it was so soft and smooth. Yerim didn't mind it at all of course, she actually likes it when he holds her thigh, it keeps her happy.

"We're here." Yerim looks out the window and see's that they're already at the restaurant. Jungkook quickly parks and steps out of the car, rushing to Yerim's side to open her door.

"I should be opening your door for you since it's your birthday." Yerim says as she steps out.

"I don't care if it's my birthday, you're still going to be treated like the queen that you are." Yerim laughs at his reply and holds his hand.

She drags him to the restaurant, finding their seats and sitting down. Not long after sitting down, they've already ordered their food.

Jungkook looks at Yerim who is sipping on her drink. He grabs the box containing the necklace from his pocket and holds it out to her.

"Here." Yerim looks at the box and then back at Jungkook. Slowly taking it, she opens it to find the necklace."

"But, it's your birthday?" Jungkook already knows that she wouldn't want to accept the gift since it's his birthday, so he stands up and takes the necklace from her hands.

Standing behind her, he puts the necklace around her neck and clips it at the back.

"There. You look so beautiful." He says while kissing her neck before making his way back to his seat.

"I know it's my birthday, but you wearing that necklace and being by my side is already a gift for me." Yerim smiles at that.

"How about we take a photo of you while we wait?" Jungkook says grabbing her phone and unlocking it.

Yerim nods and poses for him while he takes photos.

"So beautiful. How did I get so lucky." Yerim laughs and grabs her phone, looking at the photos she smiles.

"Can I post some?" She knows that it'll be a bit risky, but it's not like anyone is gonna suspect that she's out on a date with Jeon Jungkook of BTS.

"Of course."

After their little photoshoot, their food arrives and the two are already eating. After talking for a bit, the two leave the restaurant, not forgetting to pay and decide to go for a little walk before going home.

Jungkook of course took photos of Yerim, a bunch of times, both on his phone and her phone. It was expected since Jungkook loves to photograph a lot of things. It's no surprise that he even has an album of photos that are filled with just Yerim and their memories together.

Sadly, it was time for them to go back home. So Jungkook takes her back to his car. Not forgetting to take a photo of her once again, causing Yerim to laugh, she was definitely going to post some on instagram once she gets home.

It's not long before they are already at her dorm. Jungkook pouts as he opens her car door, she gets out and kisses him, which lead to her being pushed against the car and having a full on makeout session. Risky, but they didn't care.

Jungkook pulls back and pecks her on the lips a few more times before walking her to the entrance of her dorm. Yerim says goodbye to Jungkook in which he replies by kissing her yet again. He didn't want to let her go yet but he had to. He waits until he see's that she is no longer in view before dragging himself to his car.

When arriving at his dorm, Jungkook decides to take a quick selfie in his car and posts it on twitter with the caption "Thank you for making me happy 💜"

He didn't mind the caption since not everyone will know that it's aimed at Yerim. He already misses her so much and they just spent the whole night together.

Jungkook quickly makes his way to his dorm and gets ready for bed. When in bed, Jungkook spams Yerim with love messages which later ended up in them being on call till morning. Usually Jungkook hated being kept up, but whenever it came to Yerim, he'd do anything to stay awake just for her.

Damn, he's already missing her again. Jungkook messages her an I love you, actually a lot of I love you's and decides to let her and him sleep as they stayed up for a long time.

Jungkook truly loves Yerim a lot, and he would do anything to keep her by his side.

I suck so much at endings, also, I have a lot of Jungri oneshots in this book so I should probably change it up a bit. I also wrote this half asleep, so I might come back in the morning and fix stuff.

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