My love ° Vrene

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Joohyun had never imagined herself ever having a boyfriend again, especially after dealing with an unloyal.

She was so in love with him that she'd ignore the fact the he was cheating on her. He'd apologise every time she had caught him in the act, and with her being so in love, she forgave him. It wasn't until she caught him with her cousin, someone she had so much trust in, that she decided to break up with him.

It has been 5 years since then, and during those 5 years she had met someone. Kim Taehyung, her classmate from university.

They had a few classes together, so they knew of each other. Apparently, after a year of being in the same classes, Taehyung had taken a liking towards her.

Joohyun wasn't sure how to feel when he had confessed that he had slight feelings towards and wanted to get to know her better. She didn't want to end up in a relationship like her last one.

And yet here she is, after almost 3 years of being single, Taehyung had officially stolen her heart. The two have now been dating for 2 years now and are still madly in love.

But Joohyun was still scared that all this happiness could be gone sooner or later. She had told Taehyung about her previous relationship and he had assured her that he would never do that to her, but she was still scared. She felt that he deserved someone better, she didn't deserve the love he gives her.

Hearing the front door open, indicating that Taehyung is home from work, Joohyun sat up from the bed and went to welcome him.

Hearing her footsteps coming down the stairs, Taehyung looks up with a smile and opens his arms.

Joohyun hugs him tightly as soon as she reaches him, feeling him kiss the top of her head as his arms wrap around her tightly.

"How was your day bae?" He lifts her up seeing as she doesn't let go of him and walks towards the couch. Sitting down, he moves her legs so that they are resting on his sides comfortably and continues to her hug her tight.

"It was fine."

"That's good."

After a few minutes of silence, Joohyun couldn't help but ask a question that she's had in her head.

"Taehyung?" Hearing him hum in response, she continues.

"Am I worthy enough to be your girlfriend?"

Taehyung pulls her away from his chest and cups her face.

"Are you worried that something similar to your last relationship might happen again?" Joohyun nods in response.

"I understand how you feel, but we've been together for 2 years now. My love for you is stronger than anything and anyone. You have never failed to show your love for me, even when you weren't at your best so of course you are worthy enough to be my girlfriend."

Joohyun looks down, feeling guilty that she'd ever think that their relationship will take a negative turn. Taehyung has shown her nothing but love, they might've had a few arguments but he'd never let her be alone.

Feeling him kiss her nose, she looks up at him to find him smiling.

"I will never put you in a position where you have to wonder if I love you or not."

And with that, Taehyung had shown her how much he loves her. Which ended up with them having their own little family.

Stream Milky Way and Dynamite.

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