Toxic ° Wenga

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Requested - Wenga angst

The two made it clear when they got back together that they wouldn't let anything come inbetween their relationship and yet here is Seungwan waiting on the couch at almost 12am because Yoongi is once again, late. This isn't the first time, it's the sixth. She understands that he's a busy man, but they already hardly see each other and him being late makes it worse.

Hearing the door open, Seungwan watches as Yoongi walks in, obviously a bit tipsy as he stumbles inside.

"Where were you?" Looking at the girl seated at the couch, Yoongi rolls his eyes and ignores her.

"How could you be so selfish." Seungwan stands up and walks towards Yoongi who is now staring at her, slightly angered at her words.

"Selfish? Don't go spitting random words out now, you don't know the first thing to do when it comes to taking care of yourself because you're too busy looking after others that you forget about yourself."

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused." Yoongi attempts to walk past her but she stands in his way.

"Yoongi! You promised to come home early so that we could spend time together and yet here you are, late and drunk once again."

"I'm not drunk, just a bit tipsy." Seungwan watches as he walks towards the couch she was just seated at and sits down.

"Do you ever think about me? Don't you feel bad coming home late and seeing me staying up for you? Do you not feel anything?"

Yoongi sighs and looks at Seungwan who is clearly trying to hold her tears in.

"I just got busy and wanted to release some stress before coming. I didn't expect to come back so late."

"You couldn't release some stress here? At home? Where did you even release your said stress? In the bar? A club?" Yoongi sighs angrily as Seungwan continues talking.

"Why does it matter? I thought the point of this relationship was to trust each other."

"How can I trust you if you keep coming home late and ignoring me." Seungwan sits down opposite Yoongi and stares at him.

"I'm just tired."

"You're tired but have enough energy to drink? Unbelievable."

"My goodness woman, you just don't stop do you? Does that mouth of yours ever shut up?" Seungwan would've cried at this point, but this wasn't the first time they've argued like this, so she was used to his harsh words.

"Funny, you used to like my mouth."

"Not anymore." Seungwan scoffs and looks at him with anger.

"Why? Found someone else?"

"I found a few." Seungwan's anger towards him slowly changed to sadness.

She wasn't sure if he was playing with her or if he actually meant it, but all she knows is that it hurt. The constant arguments, lack of communication, lack of trust and with his reply to her question just now, Seungwan realises that their relationship was too broken to fix. Maybe a second chance wasn't the best choice after all.

"Oh, okay." Standing up, Seungwan makes her way towards her bag which she had packed because she though she would've been spending the night, but it seems like she wouldn't be anytime soon. Luckily she never left any of her stuff at his house, so it was easier and faster to leave.

"Where are you going?" Seungwan looks at Yoongi who stares at her.

"I think it's best if we don't see each other again." Yoongi stands up quick which causes Seungwan to open the door.

"You're not leaving me, you can't. Over a little argument? Are you serious?"

"Yes, i'm serious. Maybe you can get one of your few friends with mouths better than mine to keep you company because we're over."

"Seungwan! You can't be serious." Turning her back towards him, she steps out of the door.

"Come back please, I love you." After hearing that, Seungwan shuts the door.

It was then that she let herself cry. She couldn't stand there any longer and so she decides to leave. It hurts a lot to close the door on someone who you've loved for almost 4 years, but sometimes it's best to let them go, especially if they claim to love you.

Yoongi didn't love her though, despite saying "I love you" to her multiple times, he loved the idea of coming home to someone who warms his bed and makes his food. If he loved her, he would've ran after her and yet here she is, already outside of his building, alone.

I'm not the best at angst cause I end up hurting my own feelings imagining things like this lmao, but feel free to keep requesting :)

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