Royalty ° Wenga II

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"The Winter fairies have arrived!"

It was time. Wendy had been practicing what she would say to him. She honestly doesn't know why, she's not even sure if he is planning on seeing her. He probably doesn't even want to see her.

"My Queen" Wendy turns at the voice of her guard. "The Winter King has requested to see you." Maybe he does want to see her, just as much as she does.

"Let him in." Bowing his head, the guard leaves closing the door. A few minutes later, a knock is heard on the door. Wendy, knowing it was him, makes her way to the door. Preparing herself, she opens it.

"Seungwan" She doesn't know if it's because of how long it has been since she's heard his voice or if it's because she's just an emotional person. Whatever it is, she ended up crying anyways.

The Winter King hugs Wendy and gently pushes themselves into the room, so that he as able to close the door for more privacy.

Placing her head in his chest, he gently pats her back. "Baby, don't cry. I'm here now."

Unknown to their kingdoms, the two were a couple in their teen years. However, due to the fact that they were both from different seasons, meeting each other became more hard as they grew older, especially since they were both newly crowned King and Queen. They thought that they could work it out, but after the king ended up breaking a wing when he came to visit. Wendy broke it off, it hurt both of them. Wendy had hated herself after seeing him leave crying, and thought that he would never want to see her again. But after hearing that his fairies would be participating in a event held in her kingdom, it had given her a little ounce of hope that he wanted to see her.

"Yoongi, I'm so sorry." Yoongi nods and attempts to calm her down. Gently pulling away, he grabs her face in his hands and wipes her tears.

"There is no need to apologize, you just wanted what's best for us." He says smiling at her, his eyes glistening from the tears he's trying to hold in.

"I know, but it gave us years of pain and loneliness. I missed you so much." Wendy places her head in his chest once more and hugs him tight.

"I don't want us to be apart anymore, I can't stand being without you." Yoongi smiles at her words.

"We were never apart. We may have been physically, but never mentally." Once again, he grabs her face and kisses her lips gently. "You never left my mind and heart, and it's gonna stay that way."

Letting go of her, Wendy watches as he opens the door and whispers to the guard. Closing the door again, Yoongi comes towards Wendy with a smile ans grabs her hand.

"Come." He then gently starts to drag her to the balcony that overlooks the whole kingdom. Confused, Wendy tugs at his hand but Yoongi only looks down at her with a smile.

"Are we gonna watch the sky?" Laughing, he tightens the hold on her hand and faces her.

"No baby, I'm doing what I should've done the moment I was crowned king." Wendy, still confused, looks down at her kingdom and sees fairies from all seasons gathering around.

"Fairies of all seasons gather around. The Winter king has something important to say, please direct your attention to the Queens balcony." Wendy went from confused to shocked, and quickly fixes her appearance causing Yoongi to laugh.

"Warn me next time." Yoongi smiles at her words.

"I'm glad that you know that there will be a next time." Turning his attention to the fairies, he notices their shock at how close him and Wendy are.

"I know this may be of a shock to some of you." He grabs Wendy's waist and pulls her closer as he felt her hand slowly slipping away. This action caused the crowd of fairies to be even more shocked.

Smiling he carries on. "But, the Queen and I have been in love since forever basically. However, a few years back we had to go our separate ways as we went through some difficulties." Hearing the crowd aw, he stops for a moment and looks at Wendy who had just started to cry. He lifts his hands and wipes her eyes before placing her head on his shoulder. He then starts to pat her head and turns his attention back to the crowd.

"But after hearing about the event taking place in her kingdom, I decided it was time to get her back. Now that I am here with her now, falling deeper in love with her." Yoongi lets go of Wendy and smiles at her. "I've decided to make up for all the years we've been apart with a gift."

Wendy watches as he grabs something from his back packet and goes down on one knee.

"Son Seungwan, Queen of all fairies from the warm seasons. I know we have our differences, but that's what makes us a couple. We will work through those difference, together this time. I never want to spend years without you again, and to make up for those years we've spent apart, I will like to ask you one thing. Will you accept my gift of becoming my wife?" Wendy's face is full of tears as she looks down at Yoongi with a smile.

"Yes." The crowd cheers as Yoongi places the ring on her and kisses her with passion. The couple smiles at each other, both lost in their own world.

"I have another way of making up for all those years we've been apart." Wendy blushes noticing Yoongi side eyeing the bed behind them. She laughs as he lifts her up and spins them around before placing her on the bed, but not before making sure all curtains were closed and all doors were locked.

Yoongi hovers over Wendy with a smile whilst Wendy looks at him with the same expression.

"Yoongi, still naughty as ever." Wendy says as Yoongi kisses her neck.

"Seungwan, still acting innocent as ever. Let's see how long that lasts."

I hate writing romantic stuff, it makes me cringe. But I love it at the same time. Most of the time it reminds me that I'm single.

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