Special ° Vrene

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Requested (lets act like covid doesn't exist in this)

Taehyung was nervous. He and Joohyun had been in a relationship for nearly four years, but they had just ended it a month ago. This awards show is going to be the reason that they see each other.

He didn't know why she broke it off, they were just talking about going public and then the next day she tells him that she wants to break up. But just recently, he had been told by his manager that Joohyun had broken it off because a staff member had got into her head and told her that she was a burden to him.

After finding this out, Taehyung and his manager immediately went to Bang PD and got the staff member fired. Their excuse for saying such a thing to Joohyun was that "she was not fit for someone like Taehyung." What was that even supposed to mean? It wasn't any of their business to decide who was best for him and who was not, so him and Bang PD decided that they would be fired and also not allowed to step foot in any BigHit owned business, any events that BigHit artists attend and is not allowed within five meters of Joohyun if they were to ever cross paths, which they hopefully won't.

Bang PD was actually quite upset to have heard that the couple broke up, he was all for their "public announcement" and so when hearing about the staff member, he did not hesitate to do whatever Taehyung wanted him to do.

Joohyun has not heard of any of this, so Taehyung wanted to surprise her at the awards show, which is why he is so nervous. If she takes him back, which he is hoping she will, he will take her home and prove to her that he loves her deeply.

"Red Velvet!" Taehyung tunes back into reality after hearing her groups name. Looking towards their table, Taehyung watches as she and the girls stand up and make their way to the stage. Don't get him wrong, he loves the other girls as his sisters, but his eyes will always be on Joohyun. He's even sure that fans have probably caught on to his kinda obvious stares towards her.

It's hard to hide a smile when hearing her voice, it's like her voice bewitched him.

"Psst! Tae!" Hearing someone whisper at him, Taehyung turns his head towards his members who were now staring at him, they looked as if they were trying hard to not laugh.

"Close your mouth, you're starting to drool." Taehyung rolls his eyes and turns his attention back to his gi- Red Velvet. She really is heavenly.

He watches as they bow and walk off stage. He noticed that Joohyun was slightly scared to walk down the steps because of her heels, and he had the urge to just run up to her and hold her all the way back to their table.

However, never once did she look at him, and that made him nervous. He had something planned, and he didn't want it to seem as if he's forcing her to get back with him or even make her uncomfortable. He loves her, way too much that the phrase "I love you" is not enough to express it.

Sooner or later, it was their turn to receive an award. This was their final award, the daesang. He's thankful to fans for making this possible, and he's grateful to even be able to win a daesang, but his attention right now is all on Mrs. Ki- Ms. Bae, whose groups table is right in front of them.

He's certain that she can feel his stares as she takes quick glances towards him every now and then. He knows that he should be worried about being caught, but he didn't care. Being caught for being in love sounds like a great headline to him.

After bowing, the group leave the stage and proceed to get ready for their performance. All the members had a solo stage, Taehyung's solo stage being the last one. The members suggested it as they knew that he wanted to perform his song, Scenery, for Joohyun.

Standing there backstage, Taehyung watches as Jungkook performs his song, Still With You, he wasn't sure if Jungkook realised it, but his eyes were stuck on Yerim most of the time. The two have feelings for each other, but haven't confessed yet. Taehyung nor the other members don't know why they haven't confessed and made out yet, but with the way Yerim is looking at Jungkook as his sings, there's no doubt that Taehyung and Joohyun won't be the only couple that is announced.

Jungkook quickly runs off stage and signals to Taehyung that it was his turn. This was it, the moment he prepared for.

Walking onto the stage, Taehyung sits on the bench. When he starts singing, his eyes smile at Armys before looking straight at Joohyun. At first, everyone thought that it was just the angle, but Taehyung's eyes never left Joohyun. He can hear fans chanting his name, but the only voice he wanted to hear right now was Joohyun's.

Everyone was still confused on what was happening, but when Taehyung got up and walked off stage towards Joohyun, everyone was suddenly on the edge of their seats.

When Taehyung is right in front of a blushing Joohyun, he bends down to her level and gently caresses her cheek, smiling when she leans into his hand.

Fans were already screaming at this point, but when Taehyung sings his next line "I want to make you mine" the screams were deafening. The two, were however were not affected by it as they were more interested in each other.

Taehyung moves the mic away from his lips and looks at Joohyun.

"Please, can you accept me as your boyfriend again?" Joohyun looks at him with love in her eyes, but she was still scared.

"Tae, I can't-"

"You weren't and never will be a burden to me or to anyone, even our children."

"You found out?" Taehyung nods and moves to hold her hand.

"I got them fired, no one should dare talk bad to you and think they're going to get away with it." Joohyun smiles, her eyes slightly getting teary.

"I'm sorry." Joohyun felt bad, she broke off a relationship that they cherished more than awards over an insult she received.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He lifts his hand and wipes the tear that had started to fall from her eyes.

"Yes." Looking at her with hope, Joohyun laughs wiping her tears.

"Yes, you can be my boyfriend again." Happiness, that's all Taehyung felt when heard her say that. Jumping up, Taehyung does a happy dance and smiles when he hears everyone clapping and cheering. Everyone at this point was standing, even Joohyun.

"My girlfriend, Bae Joohyun." He says into the mic before placing it on the table.

Grabbing Joohyun by her waist gently, he places one hand on her cheek and looks at her. Seeing her nod, he smiles and leans in. Joohyun thought he was just going to do a little peck, but she thought wrong when he decided to make it a bit more passionate causing her to pull away slightly.

"Tae, it's an awards show."

"I know, congratulations to us!" He says before pulling her back in, ignoring their members who are jokingly telling them to stop.

But don't worry, BTS ended up finishing their performance. Taehyung decided that it was best to finish off what they started at home.

It's cute, I guess. Longer than I expected it to be.

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