Still With You ° Jungri

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Jungkook misses his girlfriend a lot. It's been way too long since they've seen each other in person. With their busy schedules, the two are only able to text and facetime at either late hours or early in the morning.

It's been a little over a month since they've seen each other and it's causing Jungkook to become afraid. He was afraid that with their busy schedules and their constant need of rest, that they were both going to get used to not seeing each other in person. That the sparks they feel whenever they talk will disappear. He was scared of getting used to talking to her through a screen and that their conversations will turn into nothing but "hi's" and "i'm a bit busy right now, i'll call you when I can."

He didn't want to lose her, he wants to see her face, hold her close to him, hear her say his name followed by her laugh. He wants to be in her presence, he doesn't just want to see her through a screen, he wants to feel her as well. Having her in his arms is medicine to him. She's like heaven on earth, his own little guardian angel.

Smiling to himself, Jungkook grabs his phone and looks at the time. It was a little over 12am and he was sure Yerim would still be awake. Jungkook calls her and waits with patience, hoping that she'll answer.

"Hello?" Jungkook feels himself starting to tear. Hitting himself for getting emotional, Jungkook quickly replies afraid that she'll hang up.

"Yerimie, how are you?"

"I'm fine, are you alright?" Taking a deep breath, Jungkook attempts to hold in his tears.

"I love you so much." Yerim didn't reply and it was making Jungkook scared however when he heard a little sniffle coming from her side of the call, Jungkook immediately became worried.

"Baby, are you alright? Did I make you cry? I'm sorry." Jungkook did not like seeing nor hearing her cry. It was torturous not being able to comfort her.

Yerim still didn't reply, so Jungkook had to torture himself by listening to her attempting to hold back her tears.

"I miss you Yerim. When I face you again, I will look into your eyes and say that I've missed you." Jungkook listens as she silently cries over the phone.

Not being able to take it anymore, Jungkook grabs his car keys and makes his way out of the dorm, making sure to not end the call.

"Jungkook, where are you going?" The boys were still awake and were watching tv. Jungkook looked at the three boys who were currently taken by girls from the same group as Yerim. He was jealous that they seemed okay with not being able to see their girlfriends, but he knew that they were desperate to see them just as much as he was.

"To Yerim." Not bothering to stay and listen to them, Jungkook quickly leaves and rushes to his car.

Once arriving at the girls dorm, Jungkook knocks and waits patiently. Before that, Jungkook  had ended up ending the call before he entered the building, seeing as he was going to finally see her. Hearing the dorm open, he comes face to face with a shocked Joohyun.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?" She says as he lets him in.

"To see Yerim." Joohyun nods in acknowledgement and watches as he makes his way to Yerim's room.

Knocking on the door, Jungkook hears her shuffle around. Then the door opens.

"Jungkook" Jungkook looks into her teary eyes and grabs her softly by the waist.

"I've missed you so much." Saying that, it ended up making Yerim cry.

"I missed you too." Jungkook lifts her up by her thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist and carries her towards the bed, not forgetting to close her door. He sits down and moves her so that both of her legs are comfortably placed on his sides.

Yerim continues to let out tears against his chest as he soothes her with the sound of his voice, singing the song that he had secretly dedicated to her.

Yerim looks at him and smiles.  "I love you too."

Gently cupping her cheeks, Jungkook leans down and places a peck on her lips which soon turned more passionate.

The two were finally able to feel each other again and the kiss was something they both used as a way to show how much they've missed each other.

Pulling away, Jungkook places a small kiss on her nose and leans his forehead against hers.

"I'm never letting us be away from each other for that long ever again."

I may sound delusional, but Jungri seems real. I don't know, there's just something about them that's different from other ships. Maybe it's because they're my favourite ship, but who knows. I also wasn't meant to make this so emotional, but it just ended up being emotional.

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