POV ° Jungri

816 44 11


Jungkook's crush on Yerim was no secret to his group members, even Red Velvet themselves. He makes it so obvious that some fans have even caught onto it. Even Yerim herself has caught him staring at her at times, but she doesn't get why.

Jungkook is known for calling IU his ideal type, so when her members told her that Jungkook seems to have gained a liking to her, she couldn't help but think why? She is of course happy that Jungkook seems to have gained a liking towards her because she has loved him for a while now, but IU is a very pretty girl, so she doesn't understand why her members would think Jungkook would like her when IU exists.

Jungkook has indeed called IU his ideal type a few times during their early days, but Yerim doesn't seem to realise that liking someone and having an ideal type is two different things. You see, an ideal type is someone who has qualities that you admire or find attractive, but liking someone comes naturally and out of no where and that is exactly what happened to Jungkook.

Jungkook may have named IU as his ideal type, but that's all he was to her, an ideal type. Yerim however, she is someone he wanted to call his girlfriend, maybe even wife. He had seen her grow from this cute, slightly shy girl to an independent woman, hosting her own show, collabing with huge brand names, making her own lipstick line, writing her own songs and never once forgetting to appreciate her fans.

She doesn't know yet how much he loves her, and it does not help that every time a girl is near him or interacts with him, it ends up in dating rumours. Don't get him wrong, those girls are pretty, but his eyes are for Yerim and Yerim only. He just wishes that she could see how she looks from his point of view.

That wish may come true as it has been long enough, so Jungkook has decided that today is the day he tells her. He had already asked her to meet him at their hangout spot, which is a little park that no one ever goes to. Everything was already set, it was night time so he laid out a picnic sheet and even brought a fluffy pillow so that she could lay on it and look at the stars and of course he brought food, her favourite food.

"Jungkook." Turning his head, Jungkook sees Yerim coming towards him, looking beautiful as always.

"Come sit" patting the space next to him, Yerim places her bag down and sits down.

"I have something to tell you." Yerim watches as Jungkook moves to sit in front of her.

"I love you." Yerim looks at Jungkook surprised, he was be serious. She was expecting to hear "I like you" but she was not ready to hear "I love you"


"What do you mean?"

"Why love? Why not like?"

"Like, relationship wise, is a word i'd use if I wasn't quite sure that what I was feeling would last long enough to become love."

"So you love me?" Jungkook nods and sends her a gentle smile.

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love you."

"But you said IU-"

"I said she was my ideal type, yes, but I only admired her as an artist."

"But she's so-"

"Kim Yerim, I love your smile, I love the way you laugh at everything, the way you tease your members, I love your confidence, how you're not afraid to try something new, I love how you adopted a dog, an animal that used to scare you, I love your honesty and loyalty, I love you, Kim Yerim, I love you." Yerim couldn't help but tear up at that.

"I love you too." Jungkook smiles at her and pulls her in close.

"Don't say it just because I said it." Yerim pulls away and frowns at him.

"No, I really do love you." Jungkook looks at her in shock.

"You do?"

"I do." Smiling at each other, Jungkook leans towards her slowly, waiting for a signal from her. Seeing her lean in as well, Jungkook moves closer and kisses her softly. It soon led to him pulling her onto his lap which caused the kiss to become more passionate.

Pulling away for air, Jungkook softly kisses her nose and watches as she blushes. He notices that she wants to say something and so he waits for her to talk.

"No one has ever told me that I loved me like you just did, it makes me want to see myself from your point of view."

"Trust me, once you see yourself the way I see you, soldiers will appear kneeling in front of you waiting for your command."

"You're saying that you see me as a princess?" Shaking his head, Jungkook gently plays with a piece of her hair before putting it behind her ear and placing the palm of his hand on her cheek, gently caressing her cheek with her thumb.

"I'm saying that I see you as a Queen."

This was actually very hard, i'm not that happy with it.

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