Love 911 ° Jungri

941 44 3

Yerim wasn't in the mood for going outside, so when she looked out her window and saw that it was raining quite heavily, she decided that it'll be the best time to watch a movie.

Coincidentally, her best friend, Jungkook, had also decided that it was the best time to watch a movie, but with her. So here he was, knocking on her door with a bag of her favourite snacks in one hand and an umbrella in the other.

Hearing the door open, Jungkook smiles at Yerim whilst lifting up the bag of snacks he has for her.

"Movie night? I brought your favourite snacks."

Yerim smiles and lets him in before grabbing the bag off of him and taking it to the living room. Jungkook chuckles at her actions and proceeds to place his umbrella down and takes off his shoes.

This was a common occurrence between the two, so he was use to it. After taking off his shoes and putting his umbrella down, Jungkook made sure he wasn't wearing anything else wet and then made his way to the living room.

"You know me too well Kook." Jungkook smiles while sitting down next to Yerim and grabbing his own snack.

"That's why you love me." Yerim takes a quick glance at Jungkook when he says that but looks away.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Yerim says grabbing the remote to skim through movies on netflix.

"I don't know, netflix doesn't have anything that I wanna watch."

"What does netflix not have that you wanna watch?" Yerim asks Jungkook, confused.

"Nothing, you pick a movie." Yerim shrugs and decides to pick a romantic movie.

When a certain kissing scene shows up, Jungkook hears Yerim sigh and looks at her.

"What is it?"

"I want that. I want someone to lift me up like that and kiss me, that's on my wish list."

Jungkook looks at Yerim as she talks about the kissing scene and how much she wants that to happen to her. How does he tell her that he could do that for her, he can grant her wish.

"Oh well, the movie is over, what time do you need to get home or do you wanna stay over?" Jungkook shakes his head and stands up, helping Yerim clean up their mess.

"I'll go now, I need to finish off some work." Seeing Yerim nod in response, he continues to help her.

This wasn't the first time that they've had movie nights, but tonight felt different to Jungkook and he wasn't sure if Yerim felt it too.

Jungkook has had hidden feelings for Yerim for months now, the two had known each other for years but it was only a few months back that Jungkook realised that he saw Yerim as someone he wanted to spend his life with.

To be honest, he didn't even have any work to do, he was just too nervous to be around her any longer. After hearing her say that she wanted to experience a kiss like that, all Jungkook could think about was them two kissing. He needed to leave before anything mature entered his head.

"I guess i'll leave now." Jungkook says as he looks over the living room, double checking if there is anymore mess.

"Yeah, i'll walk you out. Don't forget your umbrella." The two walk together to the front door. Jungkook quickly puts his shoes on and grabs his umbrella before opening the door.

Yerim stands at the door and waves at Jungkook as he makes his way to his car that is parked down her driveway. Before opening his door, Jungkook looks at Yerim once more and when he sees her looking that cute and waving at him, smiling at only him, he couldn't hold it anymore.

Dropping his umbrella, Jungkook runs towards a confused looking Yerim and stops right in front of her.

"What is it?" Without replying, Jungkook lifts Yerim up, exactly like in the movie.

"Kook?" Looking up at her, Jungkook smiles before nodding his head at her.

With no hesitation, Yerim places her hands on his cheeks and leans down, kissing him exactly like the scene in the movie, only it felt more passionate.

Jungkook slowly wraps Yerim's legs around his waist and pushes her up against the wall. This was definitely not part of the plan, but he couldn't help it. Re-enacting the kissing scene from the movie was not enough for him, he needed more.

After pulling away, Jungkook still held onto Yerim and looked at her.

"What was that for?"

"I'm being that someone." Yerim looks at Jungkook in shock and ends up blushing.

Jungkook smiles at her and pecks her lips before carrying her inside.

"That was quite romantic of you to do."

"Better than the movie?" Yerim kisses Jungkook and nods at him with the biggest smile on her face.

"Much better"

Remember to stream Life Goes On and Happiness.

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