Dream ° Jungri

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"Yeri!" The said girl looks up from her book smiling and waves at her friend.

"Hey, Sooyoung. Where's the rest?" The young girl asks' noticing that some of her friends were missing.
"Seulgi and Seungwan are quickly finishing off their biology and Joohyun is buying our food." Yeri's face lights up at the thought of free food.

"Speaking of food, look at those walking snacks over there." Sooyoung says causing Yeri to turn her head towards a certain group of boys. Jungkook, one of the boys, turns his head to Yeri's direction sensing her stare. He waves and smiles at her before turning back to his friends, Hoseok and Namjoon.
"All he did was smile and wave at you and yet I consider it couple goals." Sooyoung says catching Yeri's attention. Yeri smiles and goes back to reading her book.

"Kids" Yeri and Sooyoung both look up from what they are doing and notice their struggling friend/mother. "A little help" Before Sooyoung and Yeri could get to her, Taehyung comes out of nowhere and takes the food from Irene. "I'll take those." Joohyun sighs in relief.
"Thanks, Tae." She says as she places the drinks on the table and watches Taehyung also place the food on the table. "Anything for my bae" He says quickly pulling her close for a hug and then pecking her lips before skipping back to his friends at a table close by.

Joohyun smiles at her boyfriend skipping before turning back to her 2 friends who are staring at her in disgust. "What? It's not like you guys don't do that with your boyfriends." She hears them murming the word "True" before rushing to grab their food. Before they could take a bite, Joohyun stops them with her hand. "Wait for Seulgi and Seungwan." The 2 girls reluctantly place their food back down and wait for the 2 girls.

5 minutes later, the said 2 girls are rushing into the cafeteria. "Sorry, we tried to finish as fast as we could." Seungwan says as she takes a seat next to Joohyun. "Yeah, let's eat i'm hungry" Seulgi says already taken a bite out of her food.


School had just finished and now Yeri is patiently waiting for her ride. Just then, a black sleek car pulled up in front of Yeri. The window of the passenger seat rolls down and a face she is familiar with is revealed. "Yerim, let's go." Jungkook says with a smile while opening the door for her. Yeri smiles and hops into the car, closing the door and buckling her seatbelt. Before Jungkook drives off, he quickly turns to face Yeri and kisses her before holding her hand with his left hand. Driving with only one hand was one of Jungkook's traits that she loves. Yeri smiles to herself and looks out of the window imagining what their future will be.


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