I'm here ° Vrene

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Joohyun was not feeling the best these past few weeks. She had classes to attend, an ill family member which means a constant back and forth trip from her dorm to her family house which is roughly 2 hours away, a job that stresses her out as much as school does and friends (not Red Velvet of course) that care more about boys than her her need of help.

It was all too much, not to mention that she has a roommate who bothers her 24/7. However, for these past few weeks, she has been ignoring him and it seems that he got the message seeing as he hasn't bothered her for a few days now.

That was one less thing to worry about, but now she has to worry about her online class that'll be happening soon. Her class had an assignment due, which she had finished way before the deadline, however her roommate, Taehyung, had accidentally knocked over some of his paint onto it and because of how stressed she was, she hadn't made an online copy.

She couldn't blame him, it was an accident and she had placed it near his art supply by mistake when she was rushing to get to work. But now she sits in her chair nervous, waiting for the class to start. Her professor is not kind, but that won't stop her from telling him exactly what happened. Seeing that her class is about to start, Joohyun makes sure that her bedroom door is closed before turning on her camera.

Hearing her name being called out, Joohyun looks at her professor who is waiting for her response and instead of hearing his words, she hears her heartbeat moving rapidly.

"Ms. Bae! This is no time to daydream, where is your assignment?"

Shaking her head, Joohyun looks back at her professor who is obviously getting impatient.

"I had it-" Joohyun goes to grab her assignment to show him what had happened, but is stopped by his words.

"You had it? What is that supposed to mean?"

Joohyun nervously lifts up her assignment showing him and the class what had happened.

"I misplaced it mistakenly near some art supplies which got accidentally knocked over causing it to get paint over most of it."

"Misplaced mistakenly? Accidentally knocked over?" Hearing the anger in his voice, Joohyun puts her assignment back down, feeling embarrassed that she was getting yelled out in front of her whole class.

"Is university a joke to you, Ms. Bae? Cause if it is, then I suggest you join the circus because this excuse you're using is not going to work on me."

"No sir, it's not a joke to me-"

"If it's not a joke, then why are you showing me a failed assignment covered in paint? If you're not going to complete it, i'd rather you tell me so instead of embarrassing yourself like this in front of everyone."

This is too much, Joohyun could feel her built up tears coming up and tried so hard to keep it down.

"Sir, I promise I did it, but I had a lot on my mind so I wasn't able to make a second-"

"Everyone has a lot on their mind, but they still managed to finish it and those that haven't, made sure to tell me. Excuses like this will get you nowhere, Ms. Bae."

Joohyun couldn't hold it, her tears slowly started to run down as she looked at her lap in shame.

"Bae, do you have any-" Joohyun doesn't bother to look at the door when she hears it open and continues to look down at her lap.

"Bae?" Taehyung rushes towards her, kneeling down in front of her. He looks at her face and then at her laptop, realising why she was crying.

"Mr. Kim, you live with her?" Taehyung faces the laptop towards him and nods.

"Yes I do and I'd like to know what you said that made her cry."

"Well, she had supposedly done her assignment but showed me a mess rather than the assignment herself. All I did was tell her that if she didn't complete the assignment, then there is no point in lying about doing it."

"Who said she was lying? I watched her work on this assignment with no rest, but all that went to waste when I had accidentally knocked my paint onto it which I still feel guilty about."

"Mr. Kim, I did not know-"

"No need to worry, i'll make sure my father knows about this."

"Your father?" Taehyung was not only Joohyun's rommate, but was also the son of chairman Kim, who happens to own the university they attend.

"Yes, my father. I will inform him of this incident and will also ask to offer Joohyun a resubmission."

"I will gladly let Joohyun redo her assign-"

"Not from you, she will be put into a different class with a more qualified professor."

"Mr. Kim-"

"Goodbye." Closing the laptop, Taehyung looks at Joohyun who is covering her face with her hands, but Taehyung can clearly see her shaking.

Lifting her up, Taehyung carries her towards her bed and sits down with her on his lap.

"It's okay, I know you're stressed, i'll ask my father to give you a break from school for a while so that you can relax."

Joohyun lifts her head up and looks at Taehyung whilst shaking her head.

"It's fine, I can handle-"

"No, trust me, you need a break. You have a lot going on in your mind right now."

He was right, she had a lot going through her mind that relaxing was not one of her top priorities.

"That job of yours isn't helping either."

"I need the money though-"

"I understand, but your boss constantly makes you work overtime knowing well enough that you are a student and that you only work part time."

Joohyun places her head back on his chest and sighs. It's about time she quits that job, but she's afraid that she won't be able to find another one.

"Don't worry about looking for a job if you decide to quit, i'll be here for you. Infact, during your break from everything, i'll do the thinking for you."

Joohyun laughs and closes her eyes.

"I'm sorry for annoying you a lot." Joohyun smiles and shakes her head before looking up at him.

"It's fine, I was kinda missing you annoying me even though I was bothered by it."

Taehyung laughs at places his hand on her cheek, caressing it softly with his thumb. At the same time, he couldn't help but take glances at her lips.

Joohyun looks at him as she notices him leaning forward slightly, meeting him halfway, the two share their first kiss together. Joohyun's worries immediately gone and as soon as they part, Taehyung smiles.

Taehyung gently kisses her eyes, smiling as he watches her close them when his lips come close to touching them.

"Don't worry anymore, i'm here."

School is now over for seniors and I cried so much. I'm coming back for exams though, but i'm still sad that my high school years are kinda over. I'll miss it so much :(

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