The house ° Jungri

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When she was little, Yerim was embarrassed by her father's job as a real estate realtor, but now that she's older and in her 20's, she has become more mature and grateful that she has a father who has done a lot for her. She also may or may have not used his job as a way to have some time alone in an empty house and may or may have not ended up leaving a very expensive watch near the bathtub...Yerim had no choice but to sneak back into the house before her father and his clients show up.

Yerim had it all planned out, she'll sneak in hours before her father shows up, she'll then grab the watch and leave, but she didn't expect to be surprised as soon as she entered the house.

"Oh no..." Yerim panics as she comes face to face with the bath tub she was in last night overflowing with water. As fast as she came in, Yerim tries her best to clean up the spill.

"Whoa!" Yerim shrieks as she pulls her hand out of the tub and turns around to face her father's friend, Jungkook.

"Yerim? What are you doing here?" Yerim looks between Jungkook and the bathtub that is still overflowing because she had turned the jets on instead of turning the tap off, which she did not realise till this moment.

" up the place for my dad!" Jungkook slightly raises his eyebrow at the young girl, knowing that she has never done this before, meaning that he know's she's lying.

"Okay fine, I came here last night wanting some time alone and I ended up leaving a very expensive watch here by mistake so I came back to grab it, but then found this tub overflowing so I've been trying to clean it up. Anyways, what about you, why are you here?" Yerim says before getting back to cleaning up, but not before putting the watch that was next to the bathtub onto the table.

Jungkook slightly lifts up his hand showing her the folder before setting it down on the table near the door.

"Your father asked for this folder that he left at my house and told me to leave here. I'll help you with that." Jungkook says as he notices her struggling to pull the drain stopper out.

Sitting down next to her, Jungkook unknowingly puts his hand on her waist and leans down trying to help her pull the stopper. Fortunately, the stopper came out, but the two ended up falling into the still full bathtub, leading to them in bathrobes waiting for their clothes that are drying in the dryer.

"It'll be ready in 20 minutes so no need to worry about being caught." Yerim thanks Jungkook and sits quietly, constantly playing with her bathrobe.

Jungkook couldn't help but think she looks cute, but to be honest she has always been cute to him. He became friends with her father about 4 years ago, and he must admit that he may have had his eyes on her since the day her father first introduced him to her. What Jungkook doesn't know is that Yerim has also had her eyes on him since they first met, and if the two were focusing well enough, they would have noticed the tension they have whenever they are together.

"So...what does this remote do?" Yerim pushes a random button on the remote causing the lights to dim.

" didn't mean to- let me just-" Yerim pushes another button hoping that it'll turn the lights back on, but instead the wine cabinet behind them ends up opening.

"Oh gosh"

"Here, let me try" Jungkook gently grabs the remote off of Yerim and presses another button, instead of everything going back to normal like they hoped, the couch they were sitting on ended up folding back into a bed.

"I didn't mean- I thought- this is very awkward isn't it..." The two were now lying down because of the sudden change of the couch.

"Let's just try and get it back to normal before my father gets here."

Yerim goes to grab the remote from behind Jungkook as he had let it slip out of his hands when the couch moved, but stopped when she realised their position.

"I'm so sorry, I should've just asked-" Yerim stops talking when she realises Jungkook looking at her lips. She wasn't sure if she was just imagining things, but she felt that they were slowly moving closer to each other.

Their lips were about to touch, but hearing the front door unlocking made the two jump up from their position. Jungkook frantically grabbed the remote and pressed a random button, which thankfully made everything normal again. While he was doing that, Yerim dragged him by the arm into the laundry room.

"Yes, i'm here. Let me just look for the folder." Yerim holds her breath as she recognises her fathers voice and let's it out when she hears him go upstairs.

The two jump when they hear the dryer go off indicating that their clothes have finished drying. The sound was going on a bit longer than expected, so the two tried their best to stop the sound.

"Why isn't it stopping?!"

"I don't know, what kind of dryer needs to go off for this long" The two stop whispering when they hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Do something" The two panic as the dryer doesn't stop and the footsteps of her father becomes louder, so Jungkook quickly pulls the plug out.

"Clients will be here in about 4 hours, so i'll just go back to the office to double check some papers." Jungkook quietly passes Yerim her clothes, and signals her to change and turns his back towards her to give her privacy.

"Yerim?" Yerim pauses with her top halfway on when she hears her father say her name.

"She said she had to pick up something, so she'll be home soon." Yerim lets out a sigh of relief and pulls the rest of her top on. Turning around, she taps Jungkook on the shoulder and signals for him to put his clothes on.

"I'll probably visit Jungkook first to thank him." Jungkook's movement slows down hearing his name, silently hoping that Yerim's father changes his mind.

"Oh yes! You're right, I forgot I had to buy that, I'll just text him a thank you." Jungkook silently lets out a yes and turns around at the same time the front door closes, indicating that her father left. The two wait for a little while before leaving the room, just incase her father decided to come back.

"Well, he's gone...also, i'm sorry if I seemed a bit too much a while ago, I don't know what got over me."

"Yeah i'm so sorry, I honestly think its the house, it's too sexy. My father probably left the remote out for his clients to see...I heard they're newlyweds so..." Jungkook lets out an awkward laugh and agree's with her.

"Definitely the house...well I guess you'll be going now? I'll just have to grab my phone in the laundry room, but did you get your watch?"

"Yup..." Yerim shows him the watch in her hand, which she put on while they were waiting for their clothes to dry.

"I'll just get going now...I'll see you around." Yerim waves goodbye as she opens the front door and walks out.

Jungkook slowly turns around after waving goodbye to Yerim and lets out a big breath that he didn't realise he was holding in. Not even a minute later, Jungkook turns at the sound the door opening and see's Yerim running towards him.

"It was not the house."

"I agree." Yerim jumps into his open arms and kisses him passionately, which then lead to a lot more after that but thankfully they decided to continue at his place before her father came with the clients.

And who would've thought that her fathers clients would sell the house a few years later and another newlywed couple would end up buying it.

"I'm starting to think that it is the house..." Yerim jokingly says as she looks at her husband who is looking around the house that they shared a very intimate memory with.

"No no, it's definitely not." Jungkook lifts Yerim back into his arms, the same way she was in when they shared their first kiss and made their way to their room.

It was definitely not the house.

inspired by a scene of my favourite modern family couple, Hayley and Andy.

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