I still love you ° Jinrene

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"Why is he not here yet?"

Joohyun and Seokjin had broken up a few months ago, but Seokjin was still not over her and had a constant habit of coming over to her house uninvited on the weekends. Joohyun had gotten so used to it that she didn't expect to actually be waiting for him.

"Fine, i'll just go to him."

Joohyun won't admit it, but she still has feelings for him. The reason they broke up, is because Seokjin only enjoyed the affection and attention that Joohyun gave him, he didn't actually love her the way she loved him and he admitted that to her, but, he also said that he ended up falling for her. Of course Joohyun wasn't sure about it, so she broke it off, causing Seokjin to chase her.


Seokjin opens his door and is surprises to see Joohyun standing there.

"Wha-" Seokjin is interrupted when Joohyun decides to walk past him and into his apartment.

"Nice and clean, it suits you." Seokjin closes the door and walks towards her.

"What are you doing it? Don't get me wrong. i actually don't mind it, but usually I come to you."

"Did you forget that I use to be the one chasing you? Nevermind you wouldn't remember cause that was when you cared more about yourself."


"Anyways, I came cause you didn't come over like you usually do. So as a worried friend, I came to check up on you."

Seokjin sits down on his couch and watches as Joohyun walks to his desk and takes out her laptop. He smiles but drops it when she looks his way.

"You don't mind if I finish off my report?" Seeing him shake his head, Joohyun puts her full attention onto the screen in front of her.

Seokjin takes the time to admire her. She always did, whenever she visited his office, Joohyun would bring her laptop with her. With him being a ceo, Joohyun would ask him for help whenever she would get stuck on something for her presentation or report, so she gained a habit of doing her work in front of him. Even though she would ask him for help, it was rare. He offered to write her whole report once and if looks could kill, he would've been dead by now, but that's what he loves about her. Her stubbornness, her smile, he laugh, she's independent, selfless, he could go on and on.

He didn't know when he fell asleep, but he could feel someone looking at him. Joohyun didn't notice that Seokjin was awake because he kept his eyes closed. This was the first time in a while that she had been this close to him, her eyes trailed from his eyes down to his lips. To be honest, she misses kissing him.

As if he read her mind, Seokjin softly grabs the back of her neck and pulls her down. Their lips touching for the first time in months. Joohyun freezes in shock and then when she realises what's happening, she immediately pulls away.


Seokjin opens his eyes and licks his lips. Pretending he just woke up, Seokjin stretches and "tiredly" sits up.

"What happened?"

"You know what happened!"

"I must've been sleepwalking cause I don't know what you are talking about."

"Who sleepwalks like that!?"

Seokjin shrugs and watches as she gathers her stuff.

"I need to go, I have to feed my chicken."

"But you don't lik-"

"I do now."

"Joohyun, please."

Joohyun stops and looks at Seokjin, she knew what he was thinking, but she still needed to think.

"I'm sorry."


It's been 2 weeks since that day, and Seokjin had been trying to get her to warm up to him. It worked, she finally agreed to talk it out with him, and so he here is, waiting for her at the park where they first met.

Seokjin looks at his watch and sighs at the time. It was nearly 7pm and she still wasn't here. They agreed to meet at 5:30pm but she still hasn't arrived, she texted him that she'll be late though, which is good, but he didn't expect her to be this late.

To make things worse, it started to rain. It would've been great if he had an umbrella, but he didn't. It didn't stop him from waiting though, the only thing that he was worried about right now is leaving just when she arrives.

Looking down at the flowers in his hands, Seokjin notices that he couldn't feel the rain on his head anymore and looked up to see Joohyun holding an umbrella.

"I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to be this late. My boss was in a mood today and needed some paperwork done before I left."

"It's alright."

"It's not, you're wet and cold. If only I came on time, then you wouldn't have to stand in the rain. Why didn't you go under the shelter? Your suit is wet, you're going to catch a cold, come on let's go-"

"I love you." Joohyun stops her rambling and looks up at Seokjin who looks at her with loving eyes.

It was his first time saying I love you. He never said it when they were together, he didn't even mention the word, love, once.


"I love you, and i'm sorry it took me so long to realise it." Joohyun didn't know what to say, she was speechless.

"Believe me please, I love you so much. I've been longing for you for my entire life and didn't realise it till I lost you. I love you, Joohyun, so much that words are not enough to show it. I know what I did was wrong and i'll spend forever regretting it, but I can't help but want- need you with me. Is that selfish of me? To want to spend my whole life with you despite what I did? It's fine if you don't feel the same, I just want you to know that I love you."

If this was any other guy, Joohyun would have second thoughts, but this was Seokjin, someone who she knows rarely shows affection, someone that barely even says the word love and someone that would pick work over everything. She always wondered what he'll be like when he fell in love, and now she knows. He'll chase after you no matter how harsh you'll be to him, he'll care more about you than his work, he wouldn't mind waiting hours just to see you and he'll say I love you.

"Seokjin, I forgave you when you told me the truth. It was hard at first, but at least you were honest with me and i'll admit, I still love you, I never stopped. It's not selfish of you to want to spend your whole life with me, cause if it is, then i've been selfish the moment I met you."

Happiness, that's all he felt when she said that. Seokjin couldn't help but let out a few tears, pulling her close to him by her waist, he leans down and smiles as she leans up towards him. He never had a guess of what Heaven felt like, but feeling her, kissing her, and just being in her presence. He knew that Heaven was her.

"Just one question, what does it feel like to love me?" Joohyun asks' when she pulls away from the kiss and places her head on his chest.

"It feels like finding everything that you've lost."

I'm sorry it took long to update, I know I said that I was going to post everyday, but then I realised that my brain cells were not cut out for that and I did not want the stories to feel rushed. But don't worry, I will be doing every request, but i'll be uploading it at my own pace. Also, I don't ship Jinrene, but the way I wrote this made me rethink.

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