About love ° Jungri

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"They have really good chemistry."

"I know right, I wouldn't be surprised if they end up dating."

"I kinda ship them."

"Me too."

"Do you think it's working? Should we speak a bit louder?" Jungkook shakes his head at his members and walks past them.

"You guys are already loud enough."

"What do you think, Jungkook?" Jungkook sips his drink and looks towards Taehyung, signalling him to continue.

"Do you think Yeri and Hongseok would be a great couple? I mean, they already have great chemistry on and off screen and they already have insides jokes so I wouldn't-" Taehyung stops talking as soon as he realises that Jungkook is no longer in the room.

"When did he leave?" He turns questioningly towards Jimin who had been observing the twos conversation.

"When you said 'do you think'" Jimin lets out a smile and takes a sip of his tea.

"I think our plan worked perfectly. We just need to give him one more push."

"Jungkook!" Jungkook looks up towards the girl and smiles.

"You're here early." Jungkook pats her head as Yerim hugs him tightly before letting go.

"Of course, I wanted to spend a bit more time with you before you have to go again." Yerim swore she noticed a little pout when he said that, but ignored it.

"No need, we're both going to the same event anyways so i'll see you backstage. It's good that we're having time to ourselves right now though." Yerim's smile widens as she watches Jungkook trying to suppress his smile.

"Let's go eat before our schedule then." Jungkook unknowingly holds Yerim's hand and takes him inside the cafe.

The cafe is close to the building where their next schedule is being held, so it wasn't surprising to see that it was full of staff and idols. Usually this would've been a bit risky for the two, but Jungkook had already ordered for them and just needed to pick it up.

"Let's go eat at the back where it's more private." Taking their order, Jungkook leads Yerim to the back, making sure to stay by her side.

Yerim looks at her phone and sighs causing Jungkook to look at her with worry.

"We need to eat fast, I was hoping we would have more time left."

Jungkook was obviously sad about that, but he cheered her up by saying that they'll meet backstage.

After quickly finishing their meal, the two quickly made their way to the venue and went their seperate ways, but not before promising to see each other before the end of the event.

It had already been a few hours since the event started and Red Velvet had just finished their performance. Jungkook was making his way to Yerim when he spotted Hongseok going the same way. Freezing in his spot, Jungkook watches as Hongseok hands Yerim the same food and drink he had ordered for her earlier.

"Wow, he knows what she likes." Jungkook turns around to see Taehyung and Jimin sipping their drinks.

"Want some?" Rolling his eyes, Jungkook turns back only to see Yerim laughing at something Hongseok said.

"They really do have some great chemistry."

"I know right, if I were cupid, I'd shoot my arrow at the two right now."

"I'd be planning my outfit for the wedding."

"Omg yeah, me too."

"What should we wear?"

"Something fancy-"

"He's gone again." The 95 liner look towards the spot Jungkook was standing at a few seconds ago, only to see him walking hurriedly towards Yerim and Hongseok.

"I think we did a great job!" The two high five each other and hide behind the wall, curiously watching.

"Jungkook!" Hongseok turns to where Yerim is look and bows towards Jungkook.

"Hello sunbae." Jungkook bows back and stands next to Yerim, placing his arm on her back.

"What are you two talking about?" Hongseok looks at the two and smiles.

"I was just congratulating her and the group on their performance and just came to give some food and drinks." Jungkook looks at the food and drinks in Yerim's hands and gently grabs them off of her and walks towards the groups dressing room.

Yerim and Hongseok watch as Jungkook knocks on the door and is pulled into the room by one of her members. Yerim turns back to Hongseok and smiles.

"I'll go back to my group now, you should too. I have a feeling he wants to talk." Yerim nods and says goodbye to Hongseok before walking towards the room.

Opening the door, she see's her members encouraging Jungkook on something she wasn't sure of.

"What's happening?" Joohyun quietly signals the members to leave the room and Yerim watches them giggling while leaving.

"That was weird." Noticing that it was just the two of them, Yerim pulls Jungkook to the couch and sits down.

"Ye-Yerim." The said girl looks at Jungkook curiously waiting for him to continue.

"I know that you don't like awkward atmospheres so i'm gonna go straight to what I want to say without making you uncomfortable." Softly holding her hands, Jungkook looks at her shyly.

"I like you..." Yerim would've been surprised if she hadn't known about his feelings towards her. She likes him too, so what he was feeling for her was as clear as day.

"I like you too, now ask me to be your girlfriend." Jungkook looks at her confused but shakes his head. That's his Yerim, so her boldness is something he's grown used to.

"Kim Yerim, would you like me to be your boyfriend?"

"Yes!" The two fall back as Yerim tackles him into a hug. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Jungkook smiles as he feels her placing kisses on his head.

Pulling themselves up, Jungkook notices that she has somehow made it onto his lap but didn't say anything because he liked it.

He shyly lifts his hand to caress her cheek and lets out the biggest smile when she smiles while blushing.

"Can I...Can I kiss you?" His voice came out as a whisper, but thankfully Yerim heard him and nodded.

Slowly, the two shared their first kiss as a couple. No words were said during this and no words were needed to be said. The two just wanted to show their love.

"I think we'll be planning a wedding soon."

"They wouldn't been getting married that fast..."

"Rumour has it that Jungkook already brought a ring."

The members look at Taehyung who tells them that it's true. They turn their attention back to the door and looks at the young couple who have tried their best to look like they didn't just finish making out, or whatever they were doing besides that.

"I'll get the bouquet."

"I'll book the venue!"

The young couple laugh as they watch their members jokingly prepare for their wedding. The members didn't believe it, but the rumour is indeed true. Jungkook had recently brought a ring, suitable for Yerim and Yerim only.

Jungkook looks at Yerim and lovingly kisses her head, but he won't give it right now. Only when she's ready.

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