I love you 3000 ° Jungri

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"I'm nervous."

"You're not even the one getting married."

"She will be soon."

"That took a turn."

"Shut up, it's starting."

The bridesmaids of Joohyun and the groomsmen of Taehyung, all partnered up with each other, walk together down the aisle. The bride, feeling thankful for not having to walk alone, shyly walks down the aisle with her father by her side. The bridesmaids and groomsmen all lined up on each side of the alter smile with tears as they watched a loving father, hand his daughter to someone who'll love her just as much as he did.

With tears in his eyes, Joohyun's father kisses her on the forehead, bows to the couple and walks down to stand beside his wife. Taehyung, who has also started crying, holds Joohyun's hand and kisses it softly.

Once the ceremony had finished, the bridesmaids and groomsmen are once again reunited to walk down the aisle. As they are walking, Jungkook, who's partner is his wonderful girlfriend, Yerim, leans down and whispers into her ear. Moving away, he smiles lovingly at her as he watches her blush and then grips her hand tightly as they continue to walk to the exit.


"Yerim, I honestly think Jungkook is gonna propose to you soon." Choking on her drink, Yerim quickly grabs a napkin and wipes her mouth whilst Joohyun pats her back.

"Sooyoung, if he is planning on asking her to marry him, then you have just ruined it."

"You see, now that's where you just add to my assumption. Now Yerim is gonna have higher hopes."

"Maybe if you didn't bring it up in the first place-"

"mAyBe iF yOu dIdn'T bRInG iT uP iN tHe fIrSt pLaCe." Chucking a chip at Sooyoung, Seungwan settles back down on her seat.

"But for real, I think he's planning to get on one knee." Sooyoung says after laughing at Seungwan's attempt at hurting her.

"If he is planning, I want it to be out of the blue and that he makes sure I have no clue when he asks."

"Let's hope, wait no not hope cause we don't know for sure if he is, not that he won't, I mean he loves you a lot, but we still shouldn't have high hopes-"

"Seulgi, you're rambling."

"Oh, oops."

"I get what you mean." As soon as Yerim said that, she received a text from Jungkook asking her if she could come home.

"Looks like I have to go now, bye guys."

"Bye, I hope next time we see you, you'll have a ring."

Laughing, Yerim walks out and sighs. "I hope so too."

Unknown by the girls, Jungkook had already told Yerim his plan on marrying her, but he still hadn't brought her a ring or asked her to marry him in the exact words. Yerim hopes that he wasn't joking with her, she really does want to marry him.

Finally arriving at their shared home, Yerim is surprised when seeing the lights off. Walking in, she notices candles lighting up the pathway leading to their backyard. Yerim can't help but feel nervous, she doesn't want to get her hopes up, but she can't help it with this kind of setup she arrives to.

Following the candles, she walks out to see purple fairy lights surrounding the backyard and a table in the middle with food ready. She notices Jungkook standing in a suit smiling at her.

"Yerim, you're here." Walking up to her, Jungkook grabs her hand and leads her to the table.

"I um...here." Shyly, Jungkook holds out a bouquet of cornflowers for Yerim to take.

Smiling she grabs the flowers, placing them on the table and grabs Jungkook by his collar, pulling him towards her and kisses him. Not expecting that, Jungkook is wide eyed for 0.5 seconds before gently grabbing her waist and kissing her back while smiling.

Pulling away, he smiles at her and creates space between them.

Damn it Yerim, don't get your hopes up.

"Yerim, we've been friends for 2 years, dated for 5 years and now I think it's time we take it to another level. You are the sunlight that rose again in my life, and i'm sorry for not having a big emotional speech prepared for you, or prepared something more fancy, but I just wanted to let you know that I love you, more than anything. I don't even think the word love itself is good enough to express what I feel for you, which is why I want to express it through one of many ways. So, i'd like to ask-"


Laughing, Jungkook bends down on one knee, ignoring that Yerim already said yes, and pulls out the box with the ring inside.

"Yerim, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Gently grabbing her hand, he slides the ring on her finger.

Jungkook, who is still laughing, stands up and pulls her into a hug.

"I can't believe you answered before I could even ask."

"I couldn't help it, I was so excited."

Pulling away he looks at her and smiles.

"Remember what I told you when we walked down the aisle a year ago."

"Of course, it's been in my mind ever since."

"Good, because now it's coming true and I can't wait for the day when I can finally call you my wife."

"It was kinda cheesy."

"You liked it though."

"Yeah, I did." Smiling he pulls her back into him and kisses her.


Grabbing her hand gently and linking it with his arm, Jungkook smiles down at her and watches as she shyly looks around the church.

Leaning down to her, Yerim, feeling that he wants to tell her something, leans closer and waits for what he has to say.

With a smile on his face, Jungkook says what he has been planning to do when he knew that she is the one he wants to grow old with.

"Next time we walk down the aisle, it'll be when we become husband and wife."

Listen to 'I love you 3000' by Stephanie Poetri.

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