As I Told You ° Vrene

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Taehyung's POV

"Yo? Tae?" I shake my head and turn to my friend who was waving a hand in front of me.

"You just love her so much don't you." It doesn't take me a minute to realise who he's talking about. "You never take your eyes off of her. She already has you whipped and you guys aren't even dating. Heck, you haven't even confessed yet."

I frown at that and turn back to where Joohyun was standing, only to be lightly bumped in the shoulder. "Sorry."

I stand frozen hearing that familiar voice, not noticing that she kept walking until I was snapped out of my trance. Turning quickly, I see a familiar figure walking into the cafeteria.

"You really should confess." I turn back shocked to see that Jungkook has now been accompanied by my little sister, aka, Yeri.

"Damn it, Yeri. Stop scaring me all the time." She smiles innocently and heads to the cafeteria to meet up with her friends, but not before giving Jungkook a quick kiss on the cheek.

Jungkook smiles at me, a smile which means "Can I go to her? I miss her already." I sigh and nod my head. Jumping happily, he runs in the direction his girlfriend went to, leaving me completely alone.

"He's so whipped." I said to myself.

"Huh?" Shocked, I turn around and find myself face to face with the girl i've come to love throughout the 5 years i've been at this school.

"Oh um, her- i mean him, him as in jungkook. He's so whipped, for Yeri, not ice cream. But he does love ice cream, just not as much as he loves Yeri. He loves her a lot, like a lot a lot, not just one a lot, thousands-"

"Okay, I get it. Jungkook loves Yeri. I just wanted to ask why you wanted to talk to me." She says as she stands linking her hands together.

"I wanted to talk with you?" I say tilting my head in confusion. Just then I felt a vibration from my jacket pocket. Grabbing my phone, I stare wide eyed at the text sent from Jimin.

"You've been hiding you're feelings for far too long and it has gotten you nowhere, now's your chance! Go get her tiger!! Rawr."

I put my phone away nervously and look back at Joohyun, who was now distracted by whatever was happening behind me.

"Ummmmm, soooo" She looks up hearing me and damn did I forget how small she was.

"Mmh?" Her cute little hummed reply paired with her big brown doe eyes is making it harder for me to confess.

Mustering up the courage, I ask her a question to kinda get the flow going.

"Do you know what love is?"

Confused, she tilts her head, and oh how she looks so cute when confused. But then she smiles at me, now i'm confused.

"Are you in love with me, Taehyung?"
Damn, she catches on way too fast.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat" Smiling nervously, I catch her eyes that say "Answer my question now or i'm leaving."

"Well, to be honest, yes. Whenever your back is facing me, I always look. When you're in front of me, I always stare at the ground, awkwardly forcing myself to look away from you. Except, right now i'm feeling brave. Everytime we've passed each other, I always purposely brush my shoulder against yours. Did you not notice? Because it happened quite often. Every single moment like that was not a coincidence, i've been too scared to tell you how I feel, but now that I have this chance, i'm gonna say it loud and clear. I'm deeply in love with you, Joohyun and I have been for 5 years." I notice her eyes glistening and her smile still beautiful as ever.

"Finally." I look at her confused, but not for too long as she grabs my tie and pulls me down, catching my lips with hers.

I was shocked for a millisecond, but then I grabbed her waist and responded with just as much love. Letting go, she looks up and me and smiles.

"Does this mean you're my girlfriend now?" She laughs and places a kiss on my nose.

"Yes you dummie."

Smiling, I hug her tightly.

"This is the best day ever."

I don't like this. I cringe a lot at my own stories.

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