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"Where the hell is Hawks?" Endeavor asks and no one knows where he is, Keigo is currently having a picnic with his wife and kids and chooses to take advantage of the chaos to just wonder off.

"This job sometimes gets exhausting you know." He kisses Rei on the cheek watching the sunset and occasionally stares at his off phone.

"You're a great Pro though. I will always be there to ease the burden." Rei looks him in the eyes and his heart melts. "I love you Rei."

"I love you too."

Kai farts and they both turn their heads watching the boys facing each other on their stomachs. Kai uses his wings to shift around on the floor while Keiko reaches for his brothers wings.

Rei and Keigo sit and watch them navigate the floor in their own unique ways. Keiko rolls over and plays with his feet in the air while Kai cries since he's tired of flapping his wings.

Rei helps him up and pats him on the back and he burps putting his finger in his mouth and babbling again. It's like 5 minutes of babbling every 3 hours or so.

Keigo reads them a story and points at pictures explaining what the images are while Rei is out like a light. "Isn't mommy beautiful? You guys have her cute nose and soft lips. Her tiny elf ears, but don't tell her I called them that."

He plays around with their hair and starts styling it differently and cutting it. He bought scissors  and hair clips as well as a nail clipper and filler. Rei wakes up when the boys are crying and catches Keigo trying to hold their hands still, but they are not having that.

"Let me help." Rei gives him a hand keeping them distracted while he clips their nails and they sit back and file them at the same time. The boys facing each other.

Keiko Is the first to start a conversation and they babble none stop. "Hey. Don't you think you'll be in trouble for taking a personal day off?"

"Dabi is the one who kicked me off the team, so I decided to go with the flow and spend some time with my family. You're my number one priority and I trust no one but myself to keep you safe."

Rei smiles and takes out the hair clips re-doing Keiko's hair. "Baby, what the hell? He's not a girl the hairstyle before was better."

"You just took a bunch of her clips and tagged them on his head. Besides they look cuter like this."

Keigo hugs Kai tighter, "You won't have this one, he stays like this no matter what."

"Oh yeah? We'll see about that."

Rei and Keigo run around with the boys in arms smiling and giggling with Rei trying to get the hair clips out of Kai's head.

"Get back here you evil hair dresser."

"I am not evil you are, you're jealous I had fun doing their hair and now you want to copy my fun."

Rei stops running and laughs, "I'm so tired." She yawns and Keiko does the same while team Keigo takes to the skies flying up and down. Kai looks like he enjoys it a lot.

Dabi smirks when Unato looks shocked that he let himself get captured on purpose. "Surprised that I'd want some alone time? Really? I missed your ass so much."

She sits in front of him and Dabi looks her in the eyes, "I just want to talk. Please." She acknowledges his request and looks at him ready to hear what he has to say.

Dabi frees himself from his restraints and leans in kissing her cupping her cheeks and deepening the kiss giving her space to come in closer. "Dabi not here."

"Why not?" He looks her in the eyes slightly narrowing them before hesighs getting up. He looks around the place and finds his room looking for his keys. "Looking for this?"

He turns around and narrows his eyes, "You promised you'd never take that off, why did you? Is this your answer?."

Unato looks confused and Dabi sighs looking around some more occasionally cleaning up this and that and shifting things around looking at Unato's reaction each time.

He takes a step forward and looks her in the eyes. "What?" She blushes taking a step back surprised by the way Dabi is acting she did not expect Dabi to be like this. So attentive and over protective as well as observant and clean freaky.

"Aiden misses you and you're out here playing stupid games, I miss you and I'm confused about what's going on here. I want to hear the story from you."

"I want Shigaraki dead."

"Why didn't you tell me? You know I'd kill him if he hurt you. So, what's this really about?"

"My family. He took everything I had and buried it 6 feet under and I want revenge, I want to do it myself and I want to look him in the eyes and relish in his death as I watch the life drain out of Him."

Dabi's nonchalant expression only further infuriates her and she storms off. Dabi follows behind her taking slow calculative steps. "You done?"

"Done with what?" She asks looking Dabi in the eyes and he throws a picture that Unato kept with her at all times from the day they met.

It's a picture of her and her twin sister. "You see Unato just graduated from college, but you wouldn't know that because you turned your back on her and she moved away to Europe for some time. Her lack of communication and your timing had me fooled for a while, but spending some time with other twins taught me something. No matter what you'd never lift a finger to hurt the other."

Dabi looks Unato in the eyes and smirks. "Unato changed her name years ago, she goes by the name Kendo now and hasn't used that name in decades."

She shrugs her shoulders and takes a step back, "So? You won't kill me my sister wouldn't be happy about that."

"True. She wouldn't be happy, but she knows I don't care." His cold look gives her chills and he takes in a deep breath before setting the entire room on fire.

"She knows everything I do is to protect her and that's all I want."

He burns down the entire house and calls Rei to find out where she is. Knowing Hawks he's sure that he ditched the mission which was a smart move on his part because revealing himself so soon won't work out so nicely in the long run.

"Where are you?"

"Somewhere safe." Dabi groans when  Hawks is the one who replies and hangs up, "Who was it?" Rei walks into the room and looks at him drying her hair. "No one to concern yourself with. The boys sleeping?"

"Yup, I don't think they've had that much fun in ages."

"You mean ever." Rei smiles and gets on the bed cuddling up to Keigo. "Say I love you before I close my eyes Keigo."

He tilts her chin up kissing her and smiles, "I love you Rei." She smiles and wraps her arms and legs around him making him chuckle. "I love you Keigo."

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