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Hawk P.O.V

I walk into my agency holding Keiko while Splitter has Kai behind me, "Sir? are those your kids?" I nod walking into my office and waiting for an official update on what exactly is going on, "Splitter fill me in, what is going on?"

"there's someone with a quirk that can turn anyone into his own mindless puppet many Pro's who have gone after him are now under his snare and until we can figure out how to stop his quirk we've been playing along we've sent out S.O.S requests to heroes world wide on how to fix this so far our only working cure is Eri, but after rescuing many pros he got smarter and bolder and now it's taking everything we've got just to keep the girl safe"

"alright, I get that what of this business of working with the league?"

"both sides are desperate Hawks there's no more Heroes and Villains he's coming after all of us" he looks me dead in the eyes to warn me to get over my whole working with the league business

"I get that, but I need you to understand that to me just yesterday I was enemies with all these people and I don't know if I should use this as an excuse to stay at home and be with Rei or if I should get to helping out any way I can"

"Rei has been very helpful around here and in return we helped out with the boys and she's partly the reason why we asked the league for help if you want to help out I'd suggest you backing up your wife to keep the league cooperative they get bolder each time"

Okay, now I'm worried about exactly how close Dabi is with Rei not that she's dense or anything, but she tends to assume what other peoples intentions are and I bet she thinks Dabi is helping out when he's slowly worming his way into her head or using her for his own personal gain

Dabi P.O.V

"We can enter through this entrance they would expect it and you heroes will handle these three entrances Shigaraki will lead an army from an underground route we've been working on, their coming after her tonight so we attack tonight they don't know that Hawks is awake so we'll leave him in charge of watching her"

I look at the Pro's to see if anyone has some questions because I seriously hate this plan and we might all die or we might all get taken and this crazy guy will have an entire army at his disposal, "Who will stay with Hawks? We can't leave him alone"

"Mezmerise will" everyone looks at me shocked to find out she's alive, "She's our secret weapon" I wouldn't kill her the girls sister is taking care of my son if I screwed up like that I doubt she'd let Aiden stay with her even though she claims she wouldn't.

when the meeting is over I take Eri with me and the UA students are tagging along as a last line of defence if the plan doesn't work, "Let go Kachan I will stay with them this plan will fail it has too many loopholes"

"I get that Deku, but that's not your decision to make we stick to the plan either wise everyone can just go off on their own you're not a one man army now get your shit together and stay in line before you get us all killed"

"Now's not the time for your couples spat you two get moving"

"sorry Mr Aizawa"

"I said call me Erasure head" he sighs and turns away with his hands in his pockets the whole plan hinges on him erasing the guys quirk long enough for us to surprise Bane, but I wonder what this means for us all, will we be enemies again or will we suddenly be friends?

though option two is impossible, "I've got an errand to run before tonight so I'll catch up with you guys later" someone needs to make sure Rei and the kids are okay because we don't know what exactly the enemy knows and where the hell Unato is, but over the past 3 months she's been targeting Rei and I hate to admit it, but I'm a bit worried

I walk into the house and she's grinning ear to ear, "Well, look who finally got laid" she looks up and nods wiggling her brows at me, "It was really good and I mean really really good"

"Ewe don't tell me all that crap I don't care, are you all packed up?"

"Packed up for what?" Hawks walks into the room putting on his shirt, "We're going to try and capture Bane and as a precaution I asked Rei to take the kids and stay somewhere safe until I've got Unato, you're with Mezmerise on protecting Eri duty"

he kisses her right in front of me and I roll my eyes, Hawks seriously needs to get over his insecurities I don't see her in that way I just don't want to fuck up and have Aiden tossed out of here he loves her like she's his own mother and sees the twins as his little brothers I don't want to fuck that up for him.

"Mez is alive?" he looks shocked than again the body was real but it wasn't really her body they found just a corpse made to look like her I would've killed her, but I realised that one day she'd come in handy as a fill in Rei if we ever needed one, "Quit day dreaming Touya you're drooling all over my floor"

"Touya?" Rei turns around and hugs Hawks muttering something to him that cools his temper, "Where's Aiden?"

"With Endeavour he'll be with the Todoroki's somewhere else since it's a bit too far"

"Where is Rei going? who will be there with her?"

"I will"

"Aren't you joining the raid team?"

"I am, but until then I will be with her"

"didn't you even think this plan through? You can't be serious about leaving her alone in some place that only you know about"

"Someone will be there with her Hawks I'm no idiot to leave her all alone, what exactly are you trying to say?"

"I don't trust you and I don't trust that you have proper intentions with her"

"get over yourself we're just friends"

"that's the problem Dabi you don't do friends you just have people that you use until they've outlived their usefulness"

"than it's a good thing your wife will be useful to me till she dies"

Rei P.O.V

"Keigo cool off, both of you just cool it we're wasting time" I walk into the bedroom and Keigo follows me I shut the door and he cocks a brow, "What the hell was that? Are you accusing me of cheating?" he looks at me and chuckles, "of course not I just don't trust the guy"

"you don't have to be hostile towards him"

"why the hell are you defending him?"

"Because you're being a bully Keigo and he was kind enough to help me out while you took a 3 months long power nap, there's two of them because there's two of us, do you remember that?" he gives me a hug and apologises, "I'm not saying like the guy, but at least be nice whether he's using me or not be grateful he's nice enough to not make it so obvious"

"I don't want to lose you Rei I'm just scared that while I took my 3 months long power nap he fell for you and I wouldn't be surprised because who wouldn't?"

the door opens and Chisaki grabs my bags, "You were supposed to be there an hour ago, what the hell?" in my defence my very hot husband came home and I couldn't keep my hands to myself I just had to let life take a break so that I can enjoy some quality time with my man, "Rei quit looking at me like that or you'll waste another hour"

"really? I'd love too"

"God you're disgusting get the fuck out or I'll drag you out" Dabi is already carrying me away and I seriously don't want to go, but I can't be bratty about this lives are at stake including mine, "can I call?"


than don't call it a safe house it's a prison.

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